Monday, 22 October 2012
Saturday, 20 October 2012

Anda menghadapi masalah mulut berbau / nafas berbau ? Perkara ini memang membuatkan kita berasa malu unuk bercakap dengan orang ramai. Cubalah amalkan mana-mana petua mudah di bawah ini, insyaAllah dapat mengatasi masalah mulut berbau / nafas berbau dengan berkesan.
1) Ambil anggaran 15 helai pucuk jambu batu atau daun yang muda. Tumbuk hingga lumat dan masukkan ke dalam gelas yang berisi separu air. Tambahkan sedikit garam dan kacau. Tapis dan ambil airnya untuk dikumur sebanyak 2-3 kali sehari. Amalkan selalu.
2) Ambil 3 batang serai wangi dan 3 biji kulit limau kasturi. Tumbuk kedua-duanya hingga lumat. Masukkan ke dalam periuk kecil dan tuang air sehingga 3/4 tinggi periuk Masak sehingga mendidih. Setelah mendidih, tutup api dan biarka sejuk. Tapis dan ambil airnya untuk dikumur sebanyak 2-3 kali sehari. Amalkan selalu.
3) Rendam beberapa helai daun sirih dalam air suam seama 5 minit. Minum air tersebut. Amalkan setiap hari.
4) Ambil beberapa helai daun sirih. Ramas hingga keluar jusnya. Masukkan ke dalam air kosong dan kacau hingga sebati. Tapis dan minum. Amalkan setiap hari.
5) Ambil beberapa kuntum bunga cengkih dan masukkan ke dalam segelas air suam. Biarkan selama 5 minit dan kumur dengan air itu. Amalakan 2 kali sehari setiap hari.
6) Kunyah sebatang kayu manis yang kecil setiap malam sebelum tidur. Telan airnya, hampasnya dibuang. Amalkan setiap malam.
7) Jika anda nak berkumur, gunakan air garam.
Biasanya kalau lepas makan tu, bolehlah anda berkumur dengan air garam.
Wednesday, 10 October 2012
The 5 Worst Cooking Oils for a Flat Stomach
You might be surprised to learn that not all cooking oils are created equal, especially if you are trying to get rid of that belly. Like many of us, you probably grab a spray can of oil or whatever bottle of cooking oil is on sale, or rely on the kind your mom used to use.
I’m going to let you in on a secret, though. The type of oil you choose really does matter. And if the oil you depend on is yellow and is sold in big, gallon-size jugs… this is probably the last type of oil you should be using for your health.
Today we’ll take a look at five oils you should most definitely avoid if you want to be healthy and have a flat stomach.
1. Margarine
Okay, it’s not actually an oil. But it is made from “vegetable oils” (soybean oil, corn oil, canola oil) that are unhealthy, which we’ll talk about in a bit, as well as (often) added man-made trans fat, which helps it stay in a solid form. Synthetic trans fat (as opposed to the naturally occurring trans fats found in some meat and dairy products) is probably the worst fat you can eat. It raises your LDL (“bad”) cholesterol and lowers your HDL (“good”) cholesterol, which increases your risk of heart disease.
Now, there are so-called trans-fat-free margarines available, but these are really no healthier than their trans fatty cousins. In these margarines, the trans fat is replaced with another chemically constructed fat that may increase blood sugar and insulin resistance. Not only that, but it still lowers HDL and increases LDL, so not only are you increasing your risk of heart disease but you’re also increasing your risk of diabetes and weight gain!1,2
And another little tidbit you may not be aware of: The labels “trans fat free” and “zero trans fat” are a bit misleading. Manufacturers can have 0.5 grams of trans fat per serving and still claim to have no trans fat.3 While this is a very small amount, it all adds up, especially since health experts agree there is no safe level of trans fats.
The bottom line is there is nothing nutritionally useful in margarine. It is a man-made, highly processed chemical spread that can lead to serious health issues.
2. Soybean Oil
Soybean oil is also known typically as vegetable oil. Yup. The same stuff that margarine is made from. Soybean oil is very high in linoleic acid, which is also known as omega-6 fatty acid. Now, omega-6 fatty acids are needed by your body. In fact, they are essential for proper brain function, regulated metabolism, bone health and more. However, we need a balance of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids for optimal health.
Today’s typical diet gives us a major imbalance in these essential fatty acids. We don’t get enough omega-3 (the kind found in fatty fish and fish oil) and we get way too much omega-6 (due to the vegetable oil and soybean oil that’s added to virtually every processed food). This imbalance can contribute to obesity as well as various other serious health issues.4
Soybean oil is also very unstable and goes rancid quickly. Rancid oils form free radicals that, as you may know, can lead to cancer, accelerated aging and other diseases.
When you heat soybean oil, it goes rancid even faster. It simply cannot withstand the heat used in your cooking (and many soybean oils may be rancid before you even begin cooking, due to heat and light exposure during storage and transport).
And if all that isn’t enough to convince you that soybean oil should be a no-no in your kitchen, consider the fact that almost all soybeans are now genetically modified. Genetically modified soy is linked to fertility problems, allergies, and more.5
3. Canola Oil
Like soybean oil, canola oil is typically genetically modified. It has also been linked to vitamin E deficiency and heart problems.6,7 There is a great deal of controversy over canola oil because it was originally derived from rapeseed, which is very high in erucic acid, a compound linked to heart damage. Today’s canola oil contains much lower amounts of erucic acid, but it hasn’t been eliminated.
Note that canola oil was originally intended as an industrial lubricant. It is highly processed and contains trans fats, like margarine. It’s also easily damaged by heat… so definitely not a good choice for your stir-fry.
4. Corn Oil
Corn oil is popular for cooking and is probably the most popular of oils for frying. But that doesn’t mean it is healthy. Like soybean oil, corn oil also has far more omega-6 fats than omega-3 fats, contributing to the imbalance that so many people face today.
And corn oil, like other “vegetable oils,” is not as stable as you’d like to think. It goes rancid fairly quickly on the shelf and even faster in the frying pan. While it may last longer than soy and canola oils, depending on how long it sat on the store shelf before it made its way to your kitchen, it may be rancid before you even buy it. Not to mention, most corn is genetically modified to produce a built-in pesticide that splits open insects’ stomachs when they eat it – which you then get to eat when the corn is harvested and processed. Yummy!
5. Olive Oil
Surprise! You thought olive oil was healthy, didn’t you? Well actually… it IS. Very, BUT, it is not a good oil for cooking. It is unstable at high temperatures. This causes it to form those nasty free radicals.
Olive oil actually has lots of wonderful health benefits. It is full of antioxidants and monounsaturated fats that have been shown to reduce belly fat8 and help your heart. So enjoy it drizzled over salads and vegetables or as a dip for your whole grain bread, but don’t cook with it if you want to keep all those great benefits intact.
Now that you’ve removed all the unhealthy oils from your kitchen, you’re probably wondering what you’re going to use to cook with.
here are some of the best “slow-digesting” complex carbs to eat…
5. Asparagus
Asparagus is a special treat that can be roasted, steamed, sautéed, added to salads and eaten as a side dish or even a main dish. Asparagus has a Glycemic Index of only 15. Anything under 50 is considered low, and low is good because it means it takes longer for your body to digest thanks to fiber.
Fiber is what makes you feel full longer, which is certainly helpful to keep the munchies at bay. As we spoke about, fiber also slows the absorption of starches into your blood. Adequate fiber in your diet lowers your risk of heart disease, cancer, diabetes and diverticulitis.1,2,3,4 And because of its munchie-curing ability, it also helps you lose weight.
4. Cabbage
Cabbage is so versatile, you can enjoy it cooked or raw. It is low in calories as well as being low GI with a rating of 15. It is also high in fiber and vitamin C, and as a member of the cruciferous family of vegetables, cabbage has cancer and environmental estrogen-fighting properties, too.
3. Broccoli
Another high-fiber, cruciferous vegetable that is a 15 on the GI… Are you seeing a trend here? Broccoli has lots of vitamins like beta-carotene and vitamin K. There is also evidence that it can fight cancer because it is rich in phytochemicals called isothiocyanates.5
Better still, one study also found that eating 1-2 cups of cruciferous veggies a day lowers levels of oxidative stress (linked to cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and rheumatoid arthritis) by 22%.6
2. Spinach
Spinach and most other leafy greens also have a low GI score of 15. Spinach is high in iron, calcium, B vitamins, and antioxidants. If you don’t like it cooked, add it raw to your salads! Spinach is truly a superfood, full of at least 13 different phytochemicals that benefit your heart, brain, eyes and bones, and fight of damaging inflammation.
1. Beans
Beans, lentils and peas are known as legumes.7 Legumes, nuts and seeds are high in protein and fiber while still having a low score on the Glycemic Index. Take chickpeas for example. They rank lower than all the vegetables above, with a 10 on the GI – and studies have found they help lower bad cholesterol, too. Peanuts are only a 7! All are versatile and can be prepared in endless ways, giving you steady energy, keeping you full and satisfying your appetite throughout the day without sabotaging your health.
So as you can see, you really have lots of options. By swapping your sugary snacks for a few of these healthy carbs, you’ll give your body the energy and vitamins it needs to function optimally, without driving your insulin levels up out of control. So eat up and watch the pounds melt away… without hunger.
Thursday, 4 October 2012
probably heard of 'bad carbs' -- but maybe you’re not quite sure what
they are or why you’re better off nixing them from your diet.
The 5 Worst Carbs
5. Candy and Sweetened Cereals
These foods are loaded with sugar. Sugar, like white flour, is highly processed, providing lots of calories and no nutrients. The problem is, when you eat simple processed carbs that are high in sugar or starch, it is broken down into glucose and is absorbed fast into your bloodstream. This means your blood sugar spikes, as does the insulin produced by your pancreas to move all that glucose into your body's cells for energy.
When all of that potential energy can't be used, which happens often if you binge on candy and sweets, it just gets stored as fat -- in your belly, thighs, hips… you get the picture. And it isn't pretty.
To recap: Any food high in sugar will cause your insulin levels to skyrocket. High insulin levels and weight gain often go hand in hand, because it’s a sign that you’re consuming excess sugar, which your body cannot use as energy and will instead store as fat.
At the same time, insulin also suppresses fat burning and encourages fat storage, which is the opposite of what you want if you’re trying to lose a few pounds (or even keep from gaining any).
4. Soda
Soda is full of high fructose corn syrup, which not only leads to the elevated insulin issues discussed above, but also poses its own inherent risks. According to Dr. Robert Lustig, fructose is metabolized by your body in much the same way as alcohol, and can lead to obesity, high blood pressure and more. And the effects are the worst when consumed in liquid form… i.e. in that can of soda.i
Did you know that drinking a can of soda daily may increase your risk of obesity by 60%?ii
(If you’re thinking you can “have your cake and eat it too” by drinking diet soda instead, you should know that those artificial sweeteners they contain have been linked to dangerous health issues too -- including weight gain.)iii,iv,v
3. Skillet 'Helper' Mixes
As with the other carbs on this list, most of the convenience foods you buy are highly processed, stripped of nutrients, and high in sugar and sodium.
If all you have to do is add water and margarine (another food that should be removed from your kitchen), stir in pasta and a seasoning packet (full of nasty chemicals), you can assume you’re going to be getting an unhealthy share of processed, simple carbs; that’s right – the kind that end up going straight to your belly or hips.
2. White Bread
White bread is another processed, simple carb, and as such it is HIGH on the Glycemic Index scale. The Glycemic Index ranks foods on how they affect your blood sugar levels, based on a scale of 0 to 100. The higher the number on the GI, the faster the carbohydrate is broken down, the more it is going to spike your insulin levels and the faster it will cause that number on the scale to creep up, up and up.
To put it simply, foods with a high GI rank cause a spike in your blood sugar level, which leads to insulin resistance over time. This can cause obesity and, eventually, diabetes.
Ever wonder why obesity and diabetes are at epidemic proportions in this country?vi,vii,viii Simple… simple carbs. No pun intended.
A plain white baguette nearly tops the GI scale, ranking 95, while peanuts, for example, barely make a dent at only 7.ix
Virtually all baked goods are high on the GI. Donuts, croissants, cupcakes, giant chocolate chip cookies… you get the idea. These are all sugary, simple carbs that signal your body to produce insulin and store more fat.
If it is in your grocer's bakery department, don't buy it. In fact, just avoid that department all together and save yourself the frustration.
1. White Potatoes
But, they're vegetables! I know, but they are also insanely high on the Glycemic Index. Baked potatoes, for example, are off the charts at 111 (pure glucose is 100). They will spike your blood sugar faster than white bread, so take a pass. (Sweet potatoes and red potatoes are much better options.)
That’s all the bad news when it comes to eating carbs. The GOOD news is that you do NOT need to go on a “no-carb” eating plan. Instead, know that there are “5 scientifically-backed nutrients” that can help your body processes carbs, so they are more likely to be used as energy in your body then stored as fat. This way you don’t have to completely stop eating them…
The 5 Worst Carbs
5. Candy and Sweetened Cereals
These foods are loaded with sugar. Sugar, like white flour, is highly processed, providing lots of calories and no nutrients. The problem is, when you eat simple processed carbs that are high in sugar or starch, it is broken down into glucose and is absorbed fast into your bloodstream. This means your blood sugar spikes, as does the insulin produced by your pancreas to move all that glucose into your body's cells for energy.
When all of that potential energy can't be used, which happens often if you binge on candy and sweets, it just gets stored as fat -- in your belly, thighs, hips… you get the picture. And it isn't pretty.
To recap: Any food high in sugar will cause your insulin levels to skyrocket. High insulin levels and weight gain often go hand in hand, because it’s a sign that you’re consuming excess sugar, which your body cannot use as energy and will instead store as fat.
At the same time, insulin also suppresses fat burning and encourages fat storage, which is the opposite of what you want if you’re trying to lose a few pounds (or even keep from gaining any).
4. Soda
Soda is full of high fructose corn syrup, which not only leads to the elevated insulin issues discussed above, but also poses its own inherent risks. According to Dr. Robert Lustig, fructose is metabolized by your body in much the same way as alcohol, and can lead to obesity, high blood pressure and more. And the effects are the worst when consumed in liquid form… i.e. in that can of soda.i
Did you know that drinking a can of soda daily may increase your risk of obesity by 60%?ii
(If you’re thinking you can “have your cake and eat it too” by drinking diet soda instead, you should know that those artificial sweeteners they contain have been linked to dangerous health issues too -- including weight gain.)iii,iv,v
3. Skillet 'Helper' Mixes
As with the other carbs on this list, most of the convenience foods you buy are highly processed, stripped of nutrients, and high in sugar and sodium.
If all you have to do is add water and margarine (another food that should be removed from your kitchen), stir in pasta and a seasoning packet (full of nasty chemicals), you can assume you’re going to be getting an unhealthy share of processed, simple carbs; that’s right – the kind that end up going straight to your belly or hips.
2. White Bread
White bread is another processed, simple carb, and as such it is HIGH on the Glycemic Index scale. The Glycemic Index ranks foods on how they affect your blood sugar levels, based on a scale of 0 to 100. The higher the number on the GI, the faster the carbohydrate is broken down, the more it is going to spike your insulin levels and the faster it will cause that number on the scale to creep up, up and up.
To put it simply, foods with a high GI rank cause a spike in your blood sugar level, which leads to insulin resistance over time. This can cause obesity and, eventually, diabetes.
Ever wonder why obesity and diabetes are at epidemic proportions in this country?vi,vii,viii Simple… simple carbs. No pun intended.
A plain white baguette nearly tops the GI scale, ranking 95, while peanuts, for example, barely make a dent at only 7.ix
Virtually all baked goods are high on the GI. Donuts, croissants, cupcakes, giant chocolate chip cookies… you get the idea. These are all sugary, simple carbs that signal your body to produce insulin and store more fat.
If it is in your grocer's bakery department, don't buy it. In fact, just avoid that department all together and save yourself the frustration.
1. White Potatoes
But, they're vegetables! I know, but they are also insanely high on the Glycemic Index. Baked potatoes, for example, are off the charts at 111 (pure glucose is 100). They will spike your blood sugar faster than white bread, so take a pass. (Sweet potatoes and red potatoes are much better options.)
That’s all the bad news when it comes to eating carbs. The GOOD news is that you do NOT need to go on a “no-carb” eating plan. Instead, know that there are “5 scientifically-backed nutrients” that can help your body processes carbs, so they are more likely to be used as energy in your body then stored as fat. This way you don’t have to completely stop eating them…
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