Friday, 20 April 2012


Ways to accelerate the process and one herb that some claim will lower your pressure within minutes!

Although there is no magic cure to lower high blood pressure instantly, there are things you can do to greatly improve your pressure.  And depending on your individual situation, you may be able to lower it pretty significantly in a short period of time.

There are several foods and herbs that will help you lower your blood pressure.  The "instantly" part is relative.  There are things you can do to move the process along, but an instant cure is highly unlikely in most cases.

 The most important thing to remember is that getting your blood pressure down at any rate will involve some lifestyle changes.  And these lifestyle changes will be necessary to maintain a healthy blood pressure level.

Lower High Blood Pressure "Instantly" with Garlic

Garlic inhibits blood clotting and lowers blood pressure by widening blood vessels and promoting good circulation. This makes it great for prevention of heart related issues.

You can increase your garlic intake by using it to season food or by taking it as a supplement.

When using it in food, try to stick to fresh cloves or minced in jars. Garlic powder can sometimes contain sodium which is counterproductive when trying to lower your blood pressure.

Most physicians will advise you to avoid taking a garlic supplement if you are planning to have surgery. Since garlic inhibits blood clotting, it could cause complications during or after your surgery.

Lower High Blood Pressure with Ginger

Ginger is a root which can be consumed whole or as a medicine or spice. It is typically yellow, white, or red in color.

It acts as a blood thinner and also helps stimulate circulation. It can partially inhibit cholesterol production in the liver. This makes up about 85% of the cholesterol in the blood stream.

Adding ginger as a spice or drinking it as a tea are good ways to add ginger to your diet.

Lower High Blood Pressure with Cayenne

Cayenne is a pepper which is very high in Vitamins A and C, and B complexes. it is rich in organic calcium and potassium, which is one reason it is good for the heart.

Cayenne peppers can be eaten alone or in a variety of prepared dishes. It is also used as a spice and can be added to a wide variety of foods.

Besides adding a kick to your meal, studies show that it can kick your blood pressure back into gear by improving blood circulation and normalizing blood pressure. It is also said to increase efficiency of the heart by increasing heart action without raising blood pressure.

Is cayenne a bit to hot for your taste. No problem, you've got options. 

Lower High Blood Pressure with Hawthorne

Hawthorne is an herb that many herbalist consider the world's best cardiac tonic. It promotes healthy blood pressure levels by:

checkmarkRelaxing blood vessels

checkmarkIncreasing metabolisim in the heart muscle

checkmarkImproving blood supply to the heart

Many swear by this herb and some even claim results within minutes of taking Hawthorne.

Hawthorne is only one herb that can help you get the results you seek. 


Headaches can cause many work delays and sometimes can affect our quality of live. Sometimes headaches are caused by medical conditions and sometime in can be caused by what we eat and even how we sit. These are the fifteen causes of headaches that often causes us headaches:

  1. Emotional Tense
    Too much work burden often triggers the sensation in the head. The fact is, all things which rise tension and stress will make us easier being attacked by headache or migraine. Headache caused by the emotional tension is called functional headache or tension headache. The symptoms started with muscle tense at the neck muscle, shoulders and head because of emotional stress. The pain usually starts from the back of the head, travel to the front, then to the both sides of head. Light massage to those areas can lessen the headache, but after some time it will come back.
  2. Hormonal Change
    Headache caused by hormonal changes usually come in the form of headache in one side of the head. Generally this headache is felt harder than tension headache. Migraine sufferers in female are three times more compared to male. The main cause is hormonal change.
  3. Hot Air
    Increased in air temperature often causes migraine or heavy headache. In a study it is known that 7.5 percents of respondents have headache during hot air or hot weather.
  4. Too Strong Odor or Smell
    Have you ever felt dizzy when you smell a perfume? Strong odour, even the good one, generally causes dizziness. It is still not known why this happens, but scientists guess that the strong aroma stimulate the nervous system. Beside perfumes, paint odors, flower aromas, or dust, often causes the throbbing sensation in your head.
  5. Hair Accessories
    The way we treat our hair can affect our head. Tying hair too tightly can make the skin tissues on the head to be in tense and invites headache.  A too tight hat or hairpin could give the same effect.
  6. Heavy Sports
    Too heavy sport activities, including sexual intercourse, also can cause headache. Too much physical activities can make the blood vessels in the neck and head to swell and pressured. Headaches because of sex or sports are easier to attack peoples who suffer migraine.
  7. Poor or Bad Body Posture
    It is not just sports that can cause stress on the neck muscles and the head, body postures that forms from our daily routines also can rise headache. You can say it either sitting with bent shoulders, sitting without leaning, watching the computer monitor at a too high or too low position or cradling your phone between your ear and shoulder. If these cause you to get a headache, it is time to fix your daily body postures.
  8. Trauma
    This headache often emerges as an effect from an accident, even after only a small injury happened at the head. The sensation sometimes emerges after weeks, or months after injury and can last for a year after the traumatic incident.
  9. Cheese
    The trigger of half side of the head headache, alias migraine, are most often are cheese, including cheddar, blue cheese, mozzarella and parmesan. The cause is tyramine, which is formed from broken protein, which occurs in cheese. The longer a food or drink processing is, the more tyramine it will contain.
  10. Red Wine
    Tyramine also can be found in red wine and alcoholic drinks. Alcohol content inside the drink will also increase the blood flow to the brain, and causes dizziness.
  11. Postponing Lunch
    Empty stomach because of not having lunch at some people often causes headache. Beside dizziness, empty stomach also makes blood sugar to decrease, causing the body to feel weak. Always have your lunch with a balance diet. Avoid consuming sweet foods, such as chocolate or sweet to fill your empty stomach. Sugar from sweet foods will make the blood sugar level to spike for then to decline again even lower.
  12. Allergy
    This disturbance often comes with symptoms like runny nose, watery eyes and painful throat. The emergence can be raised by certain foods or whatever that can cause the allergy.
  13. Smoking and Cigarette
    Smoking is on the list of causes of headache, not only to the person that smoke the cigarette, but also the passive smokers around him or her. The nicotine content will causes the blood vessel to shrink, and the result is blood flow to the brain decreases.
  14. Caffeine
    People who often get headache are usually be friended with coffee. Caffeine can be a friend and also foe. The fact, some of headache medications contain caffeine inside them. On the other side, caffeine also can cause headache.
  15. Sinus Problem
    Sinus headache can be easily known from it symptoms. One or both blocked nostril and itchiness spreading to the cheek and brow. Those areas are so sensitive up until a touch will constantly feels itchy.
Those are the fifteen causes of headache. Among them there are some that you may not be aware of and can cause extreme headache. Therefore, the most important thing is to constantly look after your body condition so it will always be fit by having a healthy lifestyle from now on. When headaches constantly happen and cannot be treated by your usual headache medication, it is good for you to get your doctor’s consultation.

Tuesday, 10 April 2012


TIP #1. Before you eat breakfast (and it's vitally important to eat breakfast to get your calorie burning metabolism started), go for a brisk walk around your block for 20 to 30 minutes (or on a treadmill). And then wait until after you shower to eat.

    Did you know your body will burn DOUBLE the fat if you exercise before eating in the morning? It's true. Why? Your blood sugar levels are lower in the morning so your body will dip into your fat stores faster. It's a great trick you should try right away.

    TIP #2. Before or during your walk, drink 24 oz of pure, fresh water to hydrate your body. Your body confuses thirst for hunger so it's important to drink water all day long. What's more, if your body isn't properly hydrated, you won't burn the fat as efficiently as you could. It takes water to burn the fat believe it or not.

    TIP #3. Limit the white carbs. If you replace the white rice, white potatoes, white bread and white sugar you eat with unprocessed whole grains and veggies, you will really start to see a rapid reduction in body fat. This is because your body will be producing less of a fat storing hormone called insulin. Not to mention that you'll naturally be eating fewer carb calories.

    Now speaking of carbs, the plain and simple truth is that certain carbohydrates–especially the "bad" ones like those found in soft drinks, candy bars, ice cream, donuts, cinnamon rolls, milk chocolate, sugary cereals and all those tempting foods–are actually ADDICTIVE to certain parts of your brain. This makes following tip #3 above VERY difficult for a lot of people.

    This is why (no matter how hard they try), some people just can't stop eating these types of foods. And it has nothing to do with willpower. But it has EVERYTHING to do with your brain craving these foods and sending out constant signals for you to eat them.


    Because these addictive foods calm us when we're anxious, energize us when we feel down, and make us feel good... at least for a little while. It's like we become slaves to sweets.

Monday, 9 April 2012

Firm up and Enhance Your Breast By Diet.

You should eat healthy amounts of food. Eating at least three healthy and well-balanced meals per day is the first step to healthy breast cellular growth. One cannot produce new breast tissues without first being able to produce healthy cells. Proper nutrition is necessary for the body to work to its fullest potential.

Avoid caffeine. Caffeine creates physiological effects on the body including the blood vessels in the head and brain. When you quit or lessen consuming coffee, the body goes through withdrawal, resulting symptoms such as headaches. This will only last for a few days, and then the headaches will subside.

Avoid any carbonated drinks such as beer, champagne, or fizzy wine coolers. Also, avoid any mixed drinks containing 7up, Coke, or any other soft drinks.
Get enough sleep. Sleep at least seven hours per night, and avoid extreme stress. This is necessary for successful cellular renewal that happens at immense speed in your body.

Than you should Exercises or apply Herbal remedy.

Swimming is a superb exercise for bust shape. It exercises the breast muscles considerably against resistance of the water and this really can do wonders to your shape. Breast requires maximum attention especially after delivery. Since it is not advisable to do heavy exercise one should start taking light ones like palm pressing. Kneel down and press your palms in (similar Thai praying) pose in the center of chest so that the tissues around the breasts are under full pressure exhale slowly and release the pressure.
For breast-feeding mothers also have to take extra care, the Breasts sag if sitting or reclining in a faulty posture. Breastfeeding sitting position will be with the child in lap and your hand under baby head so as to lift and keep a steady position. Press the nipples immediately after breastfeeding and remove any remaining milk with a couple of jerks. This gives lightness and freshness to the breasts. Bathe the breasts with hot and cold water simultaneously to ensure rapid blood circulation. Sprinkle hot water and then cold four or five times alternately.

When breasts start sagging due to aging or poor health, the women require a balanced diet. Inclusion of protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, calcium, salts, and minerals in sufficient quantities is essential. Some herbal supplements are very safe to make breasts lift up and firmer, however do ensure these supplements carried needful safety certification with approval from your local Health Ministr

Homemade Recipe For Firming of Breast.

This homemade recipe for firming breast depends on individual condition. Its firm breast and makes tighten the skin.

1- To firm breasts and tighten the skin, mix one teaspoon of  

     vitamin E oil, 1 tablespoon of yogurt and 1 egg.

2- Massage this mixture onto breasts and wear old bra over the 

    mixture for at least 20 minutes.

3- Rince off with warm water.