Wednesday, 29 February 2012


Which Would YOU Rather Take to Control Your Blood Sugar?


Want to control your blood sugar and possibly get off your diabetes medications permanently? Then eat chili! Yes, chili! That's because chili is loaded with this magic ingredient that's proven to reverse diabetes in university studies.
In a groundbreaking study, type 2 diabetics who ate more of this magic ingredient SLASHED their need for diabetes medications—and, in some cases, completely eliminated their insulin dose! That's right, they reversed their diabetes!
And that's not all. In the same study, type 1 diabetics who ate more of this secret ingredient slashed their insulin dose by a whopping 38%! As you know, almost nothing works for type 1 diabetics, so a 38% reduction in insulin is HUGE!
What is this magical ingredient? Beans! That's right, plain old ordinary beans. In fact, beans may be the world's #1 anti-diabetes food!
That's because beans are loaded with pectin and other fibers that suck glucose out of your bloodstream like a vacuum cleaner!
Pectin forces your cells to produce more insulin receptors. And when your cells have more insulin receptors, they bind more insulin. When your cells bind more insulin, more glucose is removed from your blood!
It's as if your bloodstream is a crowded theater overflowing with glucose and the beans throw open all the doors and the glucose comes running out!
It doesn't matter what type of beans you eat: Three-bean salad, baked beans, pinto beans, navy beans... studies show they all help control your blood sugar and possibly evenreverse diabetes.

You'll find the exact amount of beans you need to eat each week on page 108 of your RISK-FREE copy of Bottom Line's THE HEALING KITCHEN.
But that's not all. You'll also find dozens more food prescriptions that can help heal diabetes, like the tasty pancake that prevents blood sugar spikes after meals... and the diabetes-defying dark chocolate brownie that lets you indulge your sweet tooth without sending your blood sugar through the roof... and the secret spicethat mimics the effects of insulin and drops your blood sugar levels by 20% (add some to your chili and you can really supercharge the effects!). And much, much more!
Click here for your RISK-FREE copy of Bottom Line's THE HEALING KITCHEN, PLUS 7 FREE GIFTS.

Common Mistake When Cooking Beans
That Can Make Your Osteoporosis Worse!

Beans are one of the healthiest foods you can eat, but there's a catch when it comes to the health of your bones. Beans contain substances called phytates that block the absorption of calcium. Luckily, there's a simple cooking trick that gets rid of the phytate problem. Simply cook beans for a couple of hours.  

Great Food Combo #1:

The Cancer-Killing Combo Meal...


One day, not long ago, two leading food scientists were both working at the University of Illinois. Both were experts onphytochemicals in foods. And both had done extensive research on their cancer-killing effects. But they had never worked together!
That's because they each specialized in different foods...
Dr. John Erdman was an expert on lycopene, the cancer fighting phytochemical in tomatoes. Studies show lycopene neutralizes the cell-damaging free radicals that trigger cancer. It also accumulates in your prostate gland and stops cancer from growing.
Dr. Elizabeth Jeffery was an expert on indoles, the cancer-killing phytochemicals in broccoli. Research shows indoles block the hormones that fuel prostate cancers. They turn on the genes that prevent cancer and turn off the genes that make it spread.


So Dr. Erdman and Dr. Jeffery decided to combine their two super foods into a single cancer-killing combo meal to see what happened. And the results are sending shock waves throughout the medical community!

That's because new research shows the two foods MULTIPLY each other's healing power. So the resulting combination isn't just better than either food alone it's actually better than drugs or supplements!
Here's the amazing story...
In their groundbreaking study, the two scientists gave animals with prostate cancer a combination of tomato and broccoli powders. Other animals in the study were given only one of the powders, or lycopene supplements (the phytochemical in tomatoes), or the drug finasteride (prescribed to men with enlarged prostates).
After 22 weeks, the scientists weighed and biopsied the prostate tumors. And what they found shocked them. Biopsies confirmed that the animals that were fed the tomato/broccoli combination had the greatest reduction in tumor size of ANY group. Even the groups that got the drugs and supplements!
According to one of the lead researchers, "Older men with slow-growing prostate cancer who have chosen watchful waiting over chemotherapy and radiation should seriously consider altering their diets to include more tomatoes and broccoli."

Great Food Combo #2:

How to Lower Your Prostate Cancer Risk
by Up to 86% Without Drugs or Supplements

If you want to slash your prostate cancer risk even more, then drink green tea with your broccoli and tomato combo meal. Studies show drinking green tea regularly, along with eating tomatoes and other foods rich in lycopene, can slash your prostate cancer risk by a whopping 86%!

Great Food Combo #3:

The Anticancer Cocktail!

Want to supercharge the cancer fighting power of tomatoes? Have a spicy Bloody Mary! A study published in the journal Cancer Research showed that capsaicin, the spicy compound in hot sauce, causes cancer cells to commit suicide.

The Popular Health Food That Triggered My Son's Joint Pain


For most folks, whole wheat, barley, rye, and other whole grains are among the healthiest foods you can eat. But for many Americans, these grains can cause serious health problems, including joint pain. My son, Drew, is the perfect example.
Drew is sensitive to gluten. Gluten is a protein found in wheat, rye, barley, and other grains. It's also used as a thickening ingredient in thousands of packaged foods.
For some folks like my son, even a small amount of gluten can cause their immune system to go on a rampage. That's because they don't produce the necessary enzymes to break down gluten. As a result, their immune system sees it as a foreign invader and unleashes cytokines and other inflammatory agents to destroy it.
This causes bloating, gas, headaches, constipation, and diarrhea, as well as joint pain. In fact, a recent study found that more than two-thirds of patients with severe gluten sensitivity suffered from joint inflammation.
The good news is, once you eliminate all gluten from your diet, your body will begin to repair itself and you'll start to feel better in just a few weeks.
Drew is living proof. After only six weeks of avoiding these whole grains, his painful symptoms all but vanished. He experienced an 80% improvement!

When Following the American Heart Association's
Dietary Guidelines Can Kill You!

When I first began my career as a cardiologist over 35 years ago, I told my patients to follow the American Heart Association's (AHA) dietary guidelines. I had been taught that a low-fat diet was best for heart health and weight control.
Then the Lyons Heart Study came out. It was the single most dramatic diet/heart trial ever conducted. And it showed that following a low-fat diet like the one recommended by the AHA could actually increase your risk of death!
In this groundbreaking study, scientists divided patients who had suffered heart attacks into two groups. One group followed the low-fat diet recommended by the AHA, and the second group followed a Mediterranean style diet, containing far more fat, but fewer refined carbohydrates. The results of this study rocked the medical community.
After a few years, researchers discovered that the patients who ate a Mediterranean-style diet had 70% fewer second heart attacks than those following the low-fat AHA diet. They also were much less likely to suffer from other heart problems, and their death rate from all causes was 50% lower.
The lifesaving effects of the Mediterranean diet were so dramatic, that the director canceled the study—he could not in good conscience deprive the folks on the AHA diet, or the general public, the profound healing benefits of the Mediterranean diet!
Now, after recommending a Mediterranean-style diet for years, I've discovered an evenmore powerful way to prevent heart disease and reduce the risk of heart attacks!
My new healing food prescriptions combine the Mediterranean diet with one of the world's most ancient and healthful cuisines. The result is an exciting and delicious fusion cuisine that deliversmore healing benefits than either diet alone. With more great tasting meal choices and more new flavor experiences!

Is Your "Heart-Healthy" Cooking Oil
Eating Holes in Your Heart?

For years, you've been told that this popular cooking oil is low in saturated fats. You've been told it's high in beneficial omega-3 fatty acids. And you've also been told that it lowers your risk of heart disease.
Now shocking new research reveals this popular cooking oil may actually be the biggest health hoax since margarine.


It happens when the oil is processed. The oil starts out loaded with beneficial omega-3 fatty acids. But new research shows that when the oil is heated and processed, the omega-3 fatty acids are transformed into nasty trans fats—just like those found in margarine!
Manufacturers claim this popular cooking oil has zero trans fats. But recent independent tests show that after processing, the oil contains as much as 4.6% trans fats. And when the oil is turned into shortening, the trans fats skyrocket to a whopping 40%!
You already know that trans fats are terrible for your heart. Studies show they can increase your risk of heart disease. But that's not all. Additional studies show the trans fatty acids in this oil can actually cause small tears in the heart, especially if you eat a low-fat diet.
So, if you're worried about your heart, never use the so-called "heart-healthy" oil.

Great Food Combo #6:

Secret Food Cure Airline Pilots Use
to Drop Their Blood Pressure by 20 Points


If your blood pressure is dangerously high and you need to bring it down quickly, but you don't want to resort to drugs... then you're going to love this great food combo.
Commercial airline pilots have used it for years to drop their blood pressure fast. That's because airline pilots are routinely checked for hypertension, and are not allowed to use medications to bring it down.
It was developed in the 1940s by Dr. Walter Kempner of Duke University. Dr. Kempner's research found that this simple food cure reduced blood pressure by at least 20 points... in a matter of days!
You simply take rice and mix it with the secret ingredients  (But please, don't do this for more than a few weeks. You don't want your blood pressure to drop too low!)

This is also where you'll discover...
  • The amazing juice that drops your blood pressure by 10 points in 24 hours! Opens up your arteries so that blood can flow easier with less pressure!
  • How to lower your blood pressure and your cholesterol at the same time! The secret is this Mediterranean treat that works better than most drug therapies! Proven in a landmark study.
  • The best nutrient to take if you have high blood pressure.Based on an extensive review of data from five countries worldwide!
  • Lower your blood pressure with this crunchy treat. It's loaded with natural chemicals that dilate blood vessels and block hormones that cause blood pressure to rise. Available at any grocery store or supermarket.
  • The best breakfast for anyone with hypertension. After just eight weeks, more than 70% of patients cut their blood pressure medication in half. And a third threw away their medication altogether!
  • And much, much more!

Great Food Combo #7:

2 Powerful Antioxidants
That Protect Your Brain from Alzheimer's


The National Institutes of Health has developed a simple way to measure the antioxidant activity in any food. It's called the ORAC (oxygen radical absorbance capacity) score. The higher the score, the higher the antioxidant capacity per serving. And the higher the antioxidant capacity, the more a food can neutralize the cell-damaging free radicals that ravage your brain and cause Alzheimer's!


According to the ORAC chart, one of the best ways to protect your brain from Alzheimer's is to eat blueberries! That's because blueberries have one of the highest ORAC scores of any known food.
Blueberries are loaded with anthocyanins, one of the few antioxidants powerful enough to cross the blood-brain barrier (the invisible "fence" that surrounds your brain and protects it from toxins). Once inside your brain, these antioxidants neutralize the cell-damaging free radicals that cause inflammation and lead to Alzheimer's.


Blueberries are a healing super power, but if you really want to boost their inflammation-fighting ability, combine them with the great brain food.
This delicious food is chock-full of another vital brain-saving antioxidant, quercetin. Quercetin protects delicate brain cells from oxidative damage even better than vitamin C!
By combining both these brain foods together, you'll feed your brain an eye popping 17,330 ORAC units per serving. That's enough to boost the antioxidants in your blood by up to 25%! 

Great Food Combo #8:

An Omelette A Day Keeps The Brain Fog Away

Eggs are one of the world's richest sources of choline, the nutrient that improves memory. But if you really want to stay on top of your mental game, make sure your omelette is filled with this delicious ingredient. New research reveals the combination of these two ingredients can significantly halt mental decline. So you stay sharp as a tack for life! 

Great Food Combo #10:

THE IRONCLAD Breast Cancer Shield

The food choices you make every day can either put out the welcome mat or send cancer packing! That's because some foods act like "cancer fertilizer," causing cancer cells to multiply like deadly dandelions throughout your body... While others act like "Rambo," targeting renegade cancer cells with assassin-like precision.
Unfortunately, very few oncologists know the first thing about how nutrition affects cancer growth.That's why I wrote The Healing Kitchen, so that anyone concerned about cancer could use these nutritional healing secrets to put up an impenetrable cancer shield around their body.
Every day you're surrounded by breast cancer-causing toxins. These toxins enter your body through contaminated food, water, and air. They trick your body into thinking they are estrogen and they flood the estrogen receptor cells in your breasts and uterus, triggering cancer growth.
But you can shield your body from these cancer-causing toxins by eating foods that are rich inlignans.
You see, lignans are kissing cousins to the hormone estrogen. They bind to your body's estrogen receptor sites just like estrogen, and they hang on for dear life. So when toxins from plastics and other petrochemicals enter your body, they can't bind to your estrogen-receptor sites. It's like musical chairs. The music stops and the lignans take a seat, leaving the toxins high and dry!
Studies reveal that women with high levels of lignans in their breast tissue are far less likely to develop breast cancer. In fact, lignans work in no less than 11 different ways to stop the growth and spread of breast tumors. Plus, because of their estrogen-like properties, lignans can also help reduce hot flashes, mood swings, headaches and other menopausal symptoms.
So if you're concerned about breast or other cancers, eat lignan-rich foods like cashews, broccoliand apricots. 


And if you want to boost the cancer-fighting power of lignan-rich foods like broccoli even more, toss in the special mushroom mentioned on page 71. New research shows this variety of mushroom may be the single best anticancer food on the planet. That's because its chemical structure is similar to that of beta-glucan, one of the strongest substances for stimulating the immune system and halting cancer growth.
Studies show this tasty mushroom puts up an iron fence around tumors that prevents them from spreading. And it also blocks environmental toxins from causing cancer in the first place!
It even helps people who already have cancer. Not only does it kill cancer cells, it relieves many of the side effects of chemotherapy, including nausea, diarrhea, and intestinal bleeding.
Just be sure to use the exact mushroom. Shiitakes and white mushrooms fight cancer too, but this mighty mushroom is a force to be reckoned with!

The Popular Digestive Aid That Causes Heartburn!

Do you suffer from heartburn? Then whatever you do, DON'T eat mints!
It's ironic really. Restaurants want to help freshen your breath and aid your digestion. So they put a big bowl of free mints by the door. But they're really making your heartburn worse!
Studies show that mints are the absolute worst thing you can eat if you suffer from heartburn. Mints relax the esophageal muscle (the muscle that keeps stomach acid from moving upward into your esophagus), often within minutes. The result is that corrosive stomach acid splashes up into your esophagus, causing a chemical burn.
So the next time you eat at your favorite restaurant, pass on the mints. Instead, have a slice of the "kitchen cure". It boosts the holding power of the esophageal muscle, making it more difficult for stomach acid to surge back up!

Great Food Combo #12:

The 10-Cent Cure for Stomach Ulcers

We now know that most stomach ulcers are caused by nasty, twisty little bacteria called H. pylori. The good news is that simply by sautéing up a little cabbage, you can speed up the healing process. And if you want to make sure this nasty critter never comes back, be sure to drizzle your cabbage with a few capfuls of the remedy . It's loaded with extremely powerful polyphenols that block H. pylori like an NFL offensive lineman! Now, there's a recipe for a pain-free belly!

The Simple Step That Doubles Your Intake of Vital Nutrients While Cutting Your Calories in Half!

When I tell my patients to "go organic," one of the biggest complaints I hear is that organic food is more expensive. But what most folks don't realize is that organic foods deliver more healing nutrients per calorie, per serving, and per dollar than conventionally grown produce!
This is due to what scientists call the "hardiness factor." You see, organic plants are not protected by pesticides. So they are forced to fight off insect attacks and diseases on their own. They do this by producing high levels of anthocyanins and flavonoids, two of the most powerful disease-fighting antioxidants on the planet.
In fact, according to food scientists, eating organic foods can easily double your intake of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Double!
And that's not all. Eating organic produce can also cut your calories in half!
That's because conventionally grown produce is treated with nitrogen fertilizers. And nitrogen fertilizers cause produce to soak up more water.
The result is bigger produce. But the extra size doesn't add any nutrients... just more calories! For example, nutrient analysis reveals conventionally grown oranges contain 30% less vitamin C than organic oranges, even though they are twice the size!
In fact, you'd have to eat TWICE as much conventional food, on average, to equal the same nutrition you get from organic food. And that means twice the calories, of course not to mention a bigger grocery bill!
So buy organic!  and find out how to get even more healing power (and fewer calories!) from your organic food simply by how you eat it.
This simple eating tip further multiples the healing power of your food by releasing more nutrients into your bloodstream which helps your body repair and regenerate itself. And it also helps you lose weight. How? By sending an "I'm full" signal to your brain.
The result? The pounds melt away and every cell in your body benefits from the healing ingredients! 

Pump Up the Vision-Saving Power of Carrots

You already know that carrots are loaded with beta-carotene, which is good for your eyes. But what you may not realize is that all the fiber in carrots can trap the beta-carotene, making it hard for your body to absorb.
Luckily, there's a simple cooking trick that solves the problem. Just cook your carrots as directed in your FREE Special Report, Cooking Secrets That Boost Nutrition. This simple trick takes just two minutes and supercharges the beta-carotene and other healing antixoidants!
And if you want to boost beta-carotene absorption even further, then combine your carrots with the super food.Studies show this is the single best food to pair with carrots if you want to supercharge their vision-saving power!

Hidden Cause of Broken Bones


A research team recently examined every single patient admitted to a major hospital for broken bones for an entire month. And they made a shocking discovery...

They discovered that all the bone fracture patients had one thing in common... They all suffered from this common nutritional deficiency. Every single one!
But that's not all. Even though half of the patients were already taking a nutritional supplement, they were still deficient in this vital nutrient! They had nowhere near the recommended amount in their blood.


What is it? It's vitamin D. That's right, vitamin D. Most people don't realize this, but today nearly 75% of Americans are deficient in vitamin D! And studies show it doesn't matter if you take a multivitamin or drink fortified milk or live in a sunny climate. Nearly 75% of all adults are still deficient in vitamin D.
Why? Because we spend most of our time indoors. And when we do go outside, we slather on sunscreen to prevent our skin from absorbing the ultraviolet rays necessary to make vitamin D. On top of that, as we get older, our bodies become less efficient at making the vitamin.
And when your body doesn't have enough vitamin D, calcium isn't able to get into your bones. Studies show that vitamin D also helps your kidneys to hold onto calcium so you lose less of it in your urine. And vitamin D also suppresses the hormones that trigger bone loss. Plus, vitamin D strengthens your muscles, which helps prevent falls that can lead to broken bones.
Doctors have known for a long time that severe deficiencies of vitamin D can harm bones, but now they've discovered that even minor deficiencies can lead to osteoporosis!
You may already be taking vitamin D to protect your bones. But here's the problem: Most multivitamins contain only 400 to 800 IU of vitamin D. And that's not enough.
You'll discover the minimum amount of vitamin D you need to take to protect your bones.

Reverse the Hidden Cause of Fatigue
and Get Your Energy Back

Why do you feel so darn tired all the time? Maybe it's the lack of sleep. Maybe it's the running around. Maybe it's the constant demands of being a spouse, friend, parent, or colleague. Or maybe it's none of these things.
If you're like most Americans, chances are good that you're suffering from a potassium deficiency. In fact, it's one of the first things doctors check when patients tell them that their energy is in the dumps. That's because potassium is an essential mineral for cellular energy.
The good news is you can boost your levels naturally by loading up on foods rich in potassium. But potassium doesn't work alone! It must be balanced with a second essential mineral. And no, it's NOT sodium!


Studies show that up to 90% of participants significantly boosted their energy when they took a combination of potassium and this essential mineral! It's fine to take a combo supplement to ensure you're getting enough of both of these minerals. But Mother Nature also conveniently packages them together, naturally.
You'll find a complete list of potassium-rich, fatigue-fighting food combinations 

Great Food Combo #13:

Which Would YOU Rather Take for Your Arthritis Pain?


Good news! You don't have to swallow fistfuls of pain pills to heal your arthritis pain! All you have to do is grab a bowlful of the delicious fruit c
This pain-busting fruit cobbler is chock-full of two fruits loaded with anthocyanins. Anthocyanins are some of nature's most powerful anti-inflammatory compounds. Studies show they block pain-signaling COX-2 enzymes as well as ibuprofen and naproxen, but without the dangerous side effects.
Anthocyanins destroy volatile free radicals before they can cause disease and cartilage damage. In fact, a half cup of our cobbler has more antioxidant activity than five servings of broccoli! And studies show that eating it provides the same pain-relieving effect as aspirin, but without the dangerous side effects.
So you can either down fistfuls of aspirin and clutch your stomach in pain or you can enjoy a great tasting cobbler and heal your joints with food.

How Food Manufacturers Make BAD Food Look GOOD


By now, most people know that trans fats are bad for you. They raise your cholesterol, trigger weight gain, lead to diabetes, and increase your risk for heart disease. In fact, they're so bad, the government now makes manufacturers list the exact amount of trans fats on the label. But that's a load of lard!

In fact, food companies have found a sneaky way around this. According to the government, if a food contains less than half a gram of trans fats per serving, companies can legally list the amount as "zero" and advertise it as having NO trans fats.
So companies slash the suggested serving size until a serving contains less than one-half gram of trans fats. Even if the serving size is ridiculously small, for example, one-third of a muffin companies can legally list the food as having zero trans fats! So you could end up eating several grams of trans fats in your "zero trans fats" muffin without knowing it!
Self-defense: Even if the label says "zero trans fats," look at the ingredients list, the food still contains trans fats.


When it comes to "zero trans fats" and other health food labels, it's hard to separate fact from fiction. That's why we created this Special Report, Food Lies & Dirty Labeling Tricks. In it you'll discover everything you need to know to tell the real health food from the impostors! 

Why You're 3 TIMES Less Likely to Get
Alzheimer's Disease in India Than in the U.S.


Recently, researchers compared the rate of Alzheimer's disease in a town in India to a similar-sized town in Pennsylvania. And what they discovered shocked them.
Compared to people living in India, people living in Pennsylvania had triple the rate of Alzheimer's disease. Triple! In fact, if the folks living in Pennsylvania were to up and move to India their risk of Alzheimer's disease would plummet by a whopping 73%!
What makes the difference?
People in India regularly eat a spice that is virtually unknown in Pennsylvania—or the rest of the U.S., for that matter. Studies show this spice helps prevent Alzheimer's disease by blocking the buildup of nasty beta-amyloid plaques in the brain. It also helps breaks down existing plaques. And it protects your brain from oxidative damage and inflammation. In fact, scientists now believe that this spice is the reason why India has one of the lowest rates of Alzheimer's disease in the world!
But you don't have to move to India to escape Alzheimer's disease. All you have to do is add one to two teaspoons of this miracle spice to your food. You can sprinkle it into egg salad or sauté vegetables with it or add it to soups or dips. (And no, it's not curry!)

You'll discover the brain-protecting spice to buy in your FREE Special Report, Bottom Line's Best-Ever Healing Herbs & Spices.
And that's not the only healing spice in your FREE Special Report. You'll also discover:
  • Common mistake most people make when cooking that causes spices to lose 75% of their antioxidants.
  • The soothing spice that saved a 36-year-old newlywed from dying of embarrassment! Prevents gas and bloating, tones intestinal muscles, and helps digest fats.
  • Artery bypass in a leaf. Bypasses blockages in the arteries and increases blood flow in the capillaries by 57%!
  • 10 popular herbal remedies you should NEVER take before surgery! Can cause dangerous complications. Plus, two herbs that can speed up recovery afterward.
  • And much, much more.

FREE Special Report #4

Best-Ever Healing Food Combinations

New research shows you can TURBOCHARGE the healing power of foods simply by how you combine them So the healing power isn't just double, it's triple, or quadruple!
These healing food combinations are so powerful, we created an entire FREE Special Report, Best-Ever Healing Food Combinations, so you can turn ordinary meals into pharmaceutical-strength prescriptions!
You'll discover do-it-yourself sauces and marinades that supercharge the healing power of any meal... pharmaceutical-strength salads... plus five super food pairs you should always eat together to maximize the healing power of both... and so much more.

Saturday, 25 February 2012

5 Foods That Can Transform Your Health

Few things affect our overall quality of life more than the foods we eat. On a daily basis, it affects our energy, mood, our mindset, as well as our mental and physical performance. Over time, the way we eat determines what our bodies will look like, how we see ourselves, and ultimately, how long and how well we live.With all this at stake, it’s unfortunate that the vast majority give the matter very little thought. Through television commercials and other forms of mass marketing, our subconscious ends up accepting instructions which are often triggered every time we see a logo or symbol, or even hear a corporate jingle, which, like Pavlov’s dog, sends us salivating, unconsciously, and very predictably, to the bowl (or drive thru). And we rarely think anything of it. You see, in the short term, it seems like we’re getting away with it—that it isn’t producing any significantly serious, negative effects. But however subtle the daily damage is, make no mistake, we aren’t getting away with it—there’s no ‘free lunch’ (at least when it comes to junk food!).

Transforming Your Nutrition
Over the past couple decades, I’ve been able to help over a million people transform their nutrition by following a few basic guidelines. It all starts by making the switch from eating unconsciously, to purposefully and intelligently. I want to really emphasize this because it’s so important… we have to stop eating ‘accidentally’ or by impulse. We have to break out of our old, unhealthy habits (old habits actually aren’t ‘old’ if we’re still doing them). We must deliberately set the table for our success. And that starts by simply making smart decisions about which foods we’re going to eat, and which foods we’re not. Along those lines, here are my recommendations for 5 foods that will help you transform your health, followed by 5 that won’t.
#5 Berries
Blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, raspberries… the more the better. These beautifully delicious fruits are jammed packed with biologically active ‘phytonutrients’ which are perhaps the most potent disease preventers that nature offers. Phytonutrients are the living sparkles of golden light that contribute to the remarkable health benefits of numerous fruits and vegetables. However, berries have an especially high content of an important kind of phytonutrient called anthocyanins. This is what gives these fruits their red, purple and bluish colors. It’s also what makes them remarkably powerful antioxidants and health enhancers.
Scientific studies have demonstrated that consuming ample amounts of phytonutrientrich fruits lowers our risk of developing several forms of cancer, increases our energy and boosts the strength of our immune system. And so I munch on them practically all the time. I top my oatmeal with blueberries and strawberries, I blend raspberries and blackberries into my protein-rich nutrition shakes twice a day, and I often enjoy berries mixed with low-fat cottage cheese for dessert at night.
Berries are also a great alternative to candy for kids. It’s the processed sugars that we want to stop eating (they’re so addictive and bad for our health), not the naturally occurring sugars we find in fruit. I love snacking on berries, but I’ve never really binged on them or drove to the store late at night to get some (and I’ve done both of those things, many times, for processed sugars found in candy, cookies and such). When it comes to good nutrition, berries are always one of the best choices you can make.
#4 Coffee
coffeeYes, coffee! Despite what you might have heard to the contrary, coffee has remarkably rich health benefits which have been proven in scientific study after study.
In recent decades, some 19,000 studies have been done examining coffee’s impact on health. What researchers have discovered is that what millions of Americans consider their ‘guilty pleasure’ isn’t anything to feel guilty about at all.
After analyzing data on 126,000 people for as long as 18 years, Harvard researchers have determined that enjoying 1-3 cups of coffee a day reduces diabetes risks by single digits. But having 6 cups a day slashed men’s risk by 54% and women’s by 30% compared to non-coffee drinkers. Coffee also boosts mental and physical performance, as well as increases fat burning during exercise. It can even reduce our risk of depression.
“Overall, the research shows that coffee is far more healthful than it is harmful,” says Tomas DePaulis, PhD, research scientist at Vanderbilt University’s Institute for Coffee Studies, which conducts its own medical research and tracks coffee studies from around the world. “For most people, very little bad comes from drinking it, but a lot of good.”
Consider this: At least six studies indicate that people who drink coffee on a regular basis are up to 80% less likely to develop Parkinson’s, with three showing the more they drink, the lower the risk. Other research shows that compared to not drinking coffee, at least two cups daily can translate to a 25% reduced risk of colon cancer, an 80% drop in liver cirrhosis risk, and nearly half the risk of gallstones.
The bottom line is, scientific research shows that coffee has incredible health benefits. And while I totally respect each person’s decision whether to drink it or not, I can say that if it doesn’t interfere with your belief system or go against a doctor’s warning, brew away… I do. =)
#3 Leafy Green Vegetables
Spinach, iceberg and leaf lettuce, as well as endive are a favorite of mine because they’re high in nutrients and very low in calories. They also help us feel full while eating light, and that is very important for managing the appetite over the long term.
Thousands of scientific studies have demonstrated that the more leafy green vegetables we eat, the longer we are likely to live. This is in part due to the fact that eating a couple salads each day significantly lowers our risk for developing heart disease (still the #1 cause of preventable death in America today amongst men and women). It also decreases our risk of developing deadly colon cancer and debilitating diabetes.
I realize that leafy green vegetables are not the most exciting foods from a gustatory pleasure standpoint, but the health benefits really are pretty significant. So along with my portions of protein and carbs (salmon and brown rice, for example), I add in a mixed green salad containing endive and iceberg lettuce, topped with freshly squeezed lemon and lime juice with a few dashes of ground pepper mixed in. Simple little things like this make a big difference in the long run.
#2 Whole-Grain Oats
chocolate oatmealScientific studies, including several from the Harvard School of Public Health, show a connection between eating whole-grain sources of carbs and improved health. In a study of more than 160,000 people whose health and dietary habits were followed for up to 18 years, those who had at least 2 servings of whole grains a day were 30% less likely to have Type 2 diabetes compared to those who ate mostly processed sources of carbohydrates.
Eating whole instead of refined grains substantially lowers total cholesterol, triglycerides, and insulin levels. Each of these changes reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. In a Harvard-based Nurses’ Health Study, women who ate 2-3 servings of whole-grain products (mostly bread and breakfast cereals) each day were 30% less likely to have a heart attack or die of heart disease over a 10-year period.
So many of the people I’ve helped successfully transform their health, make oatmeal a staple of their eating plan. I’ll have oatmeal five days a week to start the day. I blend up a protein shake I’ve designed, called Right Light, and pour it over my oatmeal in place of milk. It’s an absolutely delicious, nutritious protein- and carbohydrate-balanced breakfast.
#1 Wild Salmon (As Opposed to Boring)
Good quality protein should form the foundation of most every meal you eat throughout the day. Chicken or turkey breast, lean red meat, low-fat cottage cheese, egg whites, and whey protein powder are all quality sources of protein. And so are tilapia, tuna, and halibut. However, when it comes to quality protein and rich content of essential fatty acids (EPA and DHA), salmon is second to none.
Remember that both protein and quality essential fatty acids are required for the proper functioning and health of every one of our body’s 75 trillion cells. When you’re getting the optimal amount, your immune system will be stronger, and so will your muscles.
And according to scientific studies, our brains become healthier as well, allowing us to think more clearly, more quickly, and our memory improves too! All these benefits are ones I want to enjoy, and so I eat salmon more than any other whole food source of protein—I have it for at least three dinners a week, and sometimes lunches too.
Here’s my favorite salmon recipe:
balsamic salmon salad
BALSAMIC SALMON SALADBroiled salmon fillet glazed with teriyaki marinade over balsamic salad and new potatoes.
Servings: 2
Preparation Time: 30 minutes
2 portions new potatoes, cubed
1 Tbsp teriyaki marinade
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 Tbsp fresh parsley, minced
2 portions salmon fillets (about 12 oz)
4 cups mixed salad greens
1 Tbsp fresh basil leaves, chopped
1 Tbsp fresh oregano leaves, chopped
1 Tbsp olive oil
2 Tbsp balsamic vinegar
1 lemon, halved
Freshly ground black pepper, to taste
1. Steam cubed new potatoes in a covered saucepan until tender, approximately 20 minutes.
2. While potatoes are cooking, mix teriyaki marinade, garlic and parsley in a small bowl.
3. Preheat broiler. Lightly coat a broiler pan with cooking spray. Place salmon fillets on the pan, skin-side down, and brush with teriyaki marinade.
4. Broil salmon approximately 6 inches from the broiler until the fish is cooked through and flakes easily with a fork, about 8 to 10 minutes.
5. While salmon is cooking, combine salad greens, basil, oregano, olive oil and balsamic vinegar in a medium bowl and toss.
6. Divide tossed salad between two separate plates. Layer portions of potatoes and broiled salmon fillets over salad greens.
7. Top salmon and salad with a squeeze of fresh lemon and freshly ground black pepper, serve and enjoy!

By Bill Phillips, author of Body-for-LIFE

Friday, 24 February 2012


It's time for a new slim-down mantra: Eat more to weigh less. No joke! The right foods help you drop pounds by revving your calorie burn and curbing cravings. We consulted top experts for the best picks and asked leading chefs for easy, tasty ways to prepare them. Add these eats to your plate today and you'll be slimmer and healthier in no time! 

1. Steak 
Beef has a rep as a diet buster, but eating it may help you peel off pounds.Try to consume local organic beef; it's healthier for you and the environment. 

How to Eat More: Grill or broil a 4-ounce serving of top round or sirloin; slice thinly to top a salad, or mix with veggies for fajitas. 

2. Eggs 
Dig in to eggs, yolks and all: They won't harm your heart, but they can help you trim inches. 

How to Eat More: Omelets and scrambles are obvious choices, but if you can't cook before work, bake a frittata on Sunday; chill it and nuke slices for up to a week. An easy recipe: Vegetable Frittata 

3. Kale
Long sidelined as a lowly garnish, this green belongs center stage on your plate. One raw chopped cup contains 34 calories and about 1.3 grams of fiber, as well as a hearty helping of iron and calcium. 

How to Eat More: Mix chopped raw kale into cooked black beans. Or slice kale into thin strips, sauté it with vegetable broth and top with orange slices. Make it a meal by tossing the mix with quinoa. 

4. Oats 
All oats are healthful, but the steel-cut and rolled varieties (which are minimally processed) have up to 5 grams of fiber per serving, making them the most filling choice. Instant oats contain 3 to 4 grams per serving. 

How to Eat More: "Instead of using breadcrumbs, add oats to meat loaf-about 1 cup for a recipe that serves eight," Iserloh recommends. Or try her recipe for turkey and oatmeal meatballs. 

5. Lentils
Lentils are a bona fide belly flattener. Eating them helps prevent insulin spikes that cause your body to create excess fat, especially in the abdominal area. 

How to Eat More: There are many varieties of lentils, but red and yellow cook fastest (in about 15 to 20 minutes). Add cooked lentils to pasta sauce for a heartier dish, Zuckerbrot suggests. "Their mild flavor blends right in, and because they're high in protein, you can skip meat altogether." 

6. Goji berries
These chewy, tart berries have a hunger-curbing edge over other fruit: 18 amino acids, which make them a surprising source of protein. Snack on them midafternoon to stay satisfied until dinner. The calorie cost? Only 3-5 per tablespoon. 

How to Eat More: Mix 1/4 cup of the dried berries (from health food stores) with 1/4 cup raisins and 1/4 cup walnuts for a nourishing trail mix. Or for dessert, pour 1/4 cup boiling water into a bowl with 2 tbsp dried berries; let sit 10 minutes. Drain, then spoon over 1/2 cup lowfat vanilla frozen yogurt. 

7. Wild salmon
Not only do fish fats keep your heart healthy, but they shrink your waist, too. "Omega-3 fatty acids improve insulin sensitivity-which helps build muscle and decrease belly fat," Grotto explains. And the more muscle you have, the more calories your body burns. Opt for wild salmon; it may contain fewer pollutants. 

Eat more You don't need to do much to enhance salmon's taste, says Sidra Forman, a chef and writer in Washington, D.C. "Simple is best. Season a fillet with salt and pepper, then cook it in a hot pan with 2 tsp oil for 1 to 3 minutes on each side." 

8. Apples 
An apple a day can keep weight gain at bay. People who chomped an apple before a pasta meal ate fewer calories overall than those who had a different snack. Plus, the antioxidants in apples may help prevent metabolic syndrome, a condition marked by excess belly fat or an "apple shape." 

How to Eat More: Apples are the ideal on-the-go low-calorie snack. For a pie-like treat, chop up a medium apple and sprinkle with 1/2 tsp allspice and 1/2 tsp cinnamon. Pop in the microwave for 1 1/2 minutes. 

9. Buckwheat pasta
Swap plain noodles for this hearty variety; you'll slip into your skinny jeans in no time. "Buckwheat is high in fiber and, unlike most carbs, contains protein," Zuckerbrot says. "Those two nutrients make it very satiating, so it's harder to overeat buckwheat pasta than the regular stuff." 

How to Eat More: Cook this pasta as you do rice: Simmer it, covered, over low heat. For a light meal, toss cooked buckwheat pasta with broccoli, carrots, mushrooms and onions. Or make buckwheat crepes using our tasty recipe. 

10. Blueberries
All berries are good for you, but those with a blue hue are among the best of the bunch. They have the highest antioxidant level of all commonly consumed fruit. They also deliver 3.6 grams of fiber per cup. 

How to Eat More: Instead of topping your cereal with fruit, fill your bowl with blueberries, then sprinkle cereal on top and add milk or yogurt, Iserloh recommends. 

11. Almond butter
Adding this spread may lower bread's glycemic index (a measure of a food's effect on blood sugar). A study from the University of Toronto found that people who ate almonds with white bread didn't experience the same blood sugar surges as those who ate only the slice. 

How to Eat More: Try it for a change from peanut butter in sandwiches, or make a veggie dip: Mix 1 tbsp almond butter with 2 tbsp fat-free plain yogurt, Iserloh suggests. Or add a dollop to oatmeal for flavor and protein. 

12. Pomegranates
The juice gets all the hype for being healthy, but pomegranate seeds deserve their own spotlight. In addition to being loaded with folate and disease-fighting antioxidants, they're low in calories and high in fiber, so they satisfy your sweet tooth without blowing your diet. 

How to Eat More: Pop the raw seeds on their own (many grocery stores sell them preshucked) as a snack at your desk. "Use them in salads instead of nuts," Iserloh says. "They're especially delicious on raw baby spinach with lemon-poppy seed dressing." For another take on the seeds, use our easy recipe for sweet and spicy pomegranate salsa. 

13. Chiles 
One reason to spice up your meals: You'll crank up your metabolism. "A compound in chiles called capsaicin has a thermogenic effect, meaning it causes the body to burn extra calories for 20 minutes after you eat the chiles," Zuckerbrot explains. 

How to Eat More: Stuff chiles with cooked quinoa and marinara sauce, then roast them. To mellow a chile's heat, grill it until it's almost black, peel off charred skin and puree the flesh, Krieger says. Add the puree to pasta sauces for a one-alarm kick. Or stir red pepper flakes into any dish you enjoy. 

14. Greek yogurt
Dietitians often refer to plain yogurt as the perfect food, and for good reason: With its trifecta of carbs, protein and fat, it can stave off hunger by keeping blood sugar levels steady. 

How to Eat More: "Use lowfat plain yogurt instead of mayonnaise in chicken or potato salad, or top a baked potato with a bit of yogurt and a squeeze of lemon juice," Krieger says. You'll save 4.7 grams of fat per tablespoon. Look for Greek yogurt, which has more protein than other versions. 

15. Quinoa
Curbing hunger is as easy as piling your plate with this whole grain. It packs both fiber (2.6 grams per 1/2 cup) and protein, a stellar nutrient combo that can keep you satisfied for hours, Krieger says. 

How to Eat More: Serve quinoa instead of rice with stir-fries, or try Krieger's take on a scrumptious hot breakfast: Cook 1/2 cup quinoa in 2/3 cup water and 1/3 cup orange juice for 15 minutes. Top with 1 tbsp each of raisins and chopped walnuts. 

16. Sardines 
These tiny fish are the unsung stars of the sea. They are high in protein and loaded with omega-3s, which also help the body maintain muscle. And they're low in mercury and high in calcium, making them a smart fish pick for pregnant women. If the flavor doesn't appeal to you, "soak them in milk for an hour; it will remove any trace of fishiness," Iserloh says. 

How to Eat More: "Use sardines in recipes you like that call for anchovies, including Caesar salad and stuffing," Iserloh says. Or make a sardine melt: Toss whole sardines with chopped onions, fresh herbs and diced bell peppers. Put the mixture on top of a slice of pumpernickel or rye bread, cover with a slice of cheddar and broil. 

17. Tarragon
You can use this herb, a staple in French cooking, in place of salt in marinades and salad dressings.Plus, tarragon lends a sweet, licorice-like flavor to bland foods. 

How to Eat More: Rub 2 tbsp dried tarragon on salt">chicken before baking or grilling. Or make a tasty dip by mixing 1 tsp chopped fresh tarragon into 4 oz lowfat plain yogurt and 1 tsp Dijon mustard, recommends Jacquelyn Buchanan, director of culinary development at Laura Chenel's Chèvre, a fromagerie in Sonoma, California. 

18. Parmesan
Drop that rubbery lowfat cheese and pick up the real stuff. Women who had one serving of whole milk or cheese daily were less likely to gain weight over time, a study in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition finds. 

How to Eat More: "Grate Parmesan over roasted vegetables," Buchanan offers. Or snack on a 1-ounce portion with an apple or a pear. 

19. Avocado
Don't let the fat content of an avocado (29 grams) scare you-that's what makes it a top weight loss food, Kraus says. "The heart-healthy monounsaturated fat it contains increases satiety," she says. And it's terrific summer party food. 

How to Eat More: Add avocado to your sandwich instead of mayo for a creamy texture and a shot of flavor. Avocados do contain a lot of calories, so it's best to watch your portions. One easy way to do it: Try Wholly Guacamole's 100-calorie fresh guacamole packs ($3; grocery stores or They're easy to pack in your lunch and pair with chopped vegetables. 

20. Olive oil
Like avocados, olive oil has healthy fat that increases satiety, taming your appetite. But that's hardly its only slimming feature. "Research shows it has anti-inflammatory properties," Kraus says. Chronic inflammation in the body is linked to metabolic syndrome. 

How to Eat More: Drizzle your salad with olive oil and you'll increase the antioxidant power of your veggies, a study published in the British Journal of Nutrition notes. Or toss pasta with a few teaspoons of olive oil, fresh basil and sauteed garlic, Kraus suggests. Add this oil to your summer menus for a flatter tummy by fall.