Saturday, 19 November 2011



1. No Breakfast 

People who do not take breakfast are going to have a lower blood sugar level.
This leads to an insufficient supply of nutrients to the brain causing brain degeneration. 

2. Overeating 

It causes hardening of the brain arteries, leading to a decrease in mental power. 

3. Smoking 

It causes multiple brain shrinkage and may lead to Alzheimer disease. 

4. High Sugar consumption 

Too much sugar will interrupt the absorption of proteins and nutrients causing
malnutrition and may interfere with brain development. 

5. Air Pollution 

The brain is the largest oxygen consumer in our body. Inhaling polluted air
decreases the supply of oxygen to the brain, bringing about a decrease in brain

6. Sleep Deprivation 

Sleep allows our brain to rest. Long term deprivation from sleep will accelerate the
death of brain cells. 

7. Head covered while sleeping
Sleeping with the head covered, increases the concentration of carbon dioxide and
decrease concentration of oxygen that may lead to brain damaging effects. 

8. Working your brain during illness 

Working hard or studying with sickness may lead to a decrease in effectiveness of
the brain as well as damage the brain. 

9. Lacking in stimulating thoughts 

Thinking is the best way to train our brain, lacking in brain stimulation thoughts may
cause brain shrinkage. 

10. Talking Rarely

Intellectual conversations will promote the efficiency of the brain. 

The main causes of liver damage are:

Sleeping too late and waking up too late are main cause.
Not urinating in the morning. 
Too much eating. 
Skipping breakfast.
5. Consuming too much medication.
Consuming too much preservatives, additives, food coloring , and artificial sweetener. 
7. Consuming unhealthy cooking oil. As much as possible 
reduce cooking oil use when frying, which includes even the best cooking oils like olive oil.
Do not consume fried foods when you are tired, 
except if the body is very fit. 
Consuming raw (overly done) Foods also add to the burden of liver.
Veggies should be eaten raw or cooked 3-5 parts. Fried veggies should be finished  in one sitting, do not store. 

We should prevent this without necessarily spending more. We just have to adopt a good daily lifestyle and eating habits. Maintaining good eating habits and time condition are very important for our bodies to absorb and get rid of unnecessary
chemicals according to "schedule." 

Because : 

Evening at 9 - 11 
PM : is the time for eliminating unnecessary/toxic chemicals
(detoxification) from the antibody system (lymph nodes). 
This time duration should be spent by relaxing or listening to music. If during this time a housewife is still in an unrelaxed state such as washing the dishes or monitoring children doing their
homework, this will have a negative impact on health.

Evening at 11pm - 1 am :
 is the detoxification process in the liver, and ideally should be done in a deep sleep state. 

Early morning 1 - 3 am :
 detoxification process in the gall, also ideally done in a deep sleep state. 

Early morning 3 - 5 am : 

detoxification in the lungs. Therefore there will sometimes be
a severe cough for cough sufferers during this time. Since the detoxification process
had reached the respiratory tract, there is no need to take cough medicine so as not to interfere with toxin removal process. 

Morning 5 - 7am :
detoxification in the colon, 
you should empty your bowel.

Morning 7 - 9 am :
 absorption of nutrients in the small intestine, you should be having breakfast at this time. Breakfast should be earlier, before 6:30 am , for those who are
sick. Breakfast before 7:30 am is very beneficial to those wanting to stay fit. Those who always skip breakfast, they should change their habits, 
and it is still better to
eat breakfast late until 9 - 10 am rather than no meal at all. 

Sleeping so late and waking up too late will disrupt the process of removing unnecessary chemicals. Aside from that, midnight to 
4:00 am is the time when the bone marrow
produces blood. Therefore, have a good sleep and don't sleep late. 



Food As Medicine: Foods That Lower Blood Pressure

Food As Medicine: Foods That Lower Blood Pressure

Food Is Your Best Medicine

Food as medicine? What a concept! But when you really think about it, you will come to realize how certain foods actually act like medicine to the body.

Some foods heal the body of sickness and prevent cancer when eaten on a regular basis. Let the right foods go to work in your life by incorporating more healing foods into your diet. 

Healthy Foods Are Medicine To The Body

Food as medicine is not a new concept. In fact, the Greek Philosopher and father of medicine, Hippocrates said, “Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food”.
He believed that sickness was a direct result of diet and bad living habits. Hippocrates treated illness with food. This is the same belief of naturopaths around the world today.
Raw, organic fruits and vegetables are healing foods. The body needs a variety of nutrients to sustain its constant demands. Dead cells need to be renewed, damaged cells need repaired, and we need to have a strong body to fight off disease.
The only way to do this and make it work is to not eat foods that are not compatible to the human body, which are processed foods. But of course, you can eat all the healing type foods you want.
Let me make an example. Fiber that is found in fruits and vegetables, whole grains and beans is a healing substance. Fiber heals the digestive tract, is great for heart and vein function, and helps to lower cholesterol, overall lowering blood pressure. But processed foods have no fiber value to them.
In fact, they clog the veins and make us constipated. Getting rid of the processed foods and going whole is what the body needs and wants. Healthy foods heal, and eating right is an essential part of the healing process. 

Nutrition and Healthy Eating

Let’s talk about what healthy eating is not as far as nutrition goes. Foods that have been refined, processed and packaged have limited nutritional support left in them. These types of foods cannot provide the body with adequate vitamins and minerals to sustain the body for long.
This is precisely why we get sick! Our organs begin failing us because they are literally dying for nutrients to regenerate and repair the damage done to them.
If we don’t eat the foods that provide that nourishment, we’ll become even sicker. Whole foods particularly raw fruits and vegetables will provide adequate amounts of nutrition when eaten in consistent quantities.
A side of cooked vegetables and a couple pieces of fruit in a week is not adequate. We have to make food as medicine. It’s the only way!
In other words, we should be eating to live, not living to eat. The bottom line is the body needs five servings of raw foods(fruits and vegetables) a day, minimum! If you are sick now with disease or find that you catch the common cold and flu easy, it means your body needs to rejuvenate itself.
Besides exercising, drinking pure water, and getting plenty of rest, eating seven servings of raw fruits and vegetables a day is recommended. Are you making food your medicine or do you need medicine because of the food you are eating? 


From the editors of
© International Authors Bureau, 1999
all rights reserved
2 27 of the best health “tips”

1. How to fight aging....................................................5
2. Are you anxious?......................................................6
3. Care for your heart while you sleep.........................7
4. How to avoid cancer caused by smoking.................8
5. Avoid eye problems caused by T.V. and mon.itors..9
6. How to beat asthma................................................10
7. Losing weight: The Pakistani method....................12
8. What todo when you get something in your eye....13
9. A few tricks for treating insect bites......................14
10. How to get rid of liver spots.................................15
11. Treat diarrhea without medication.......................16
12. Use seaweed to stimulate your immune system...17
13. How to prevent motion sickness - naturally.........18
14. The anti-allergy vitamin.......................................19
15. How to prevent Flatulence (Aerophagy)..............20
16. How to put an end to heartburn...........................21
27 of the best health “tips” 3
17. A miracle remedy.................................................22
18. Reducing your cholesterol....................................24
19. Digest better.........................................................26
20. Menstrual cramps - suffer no more!.....................28
21. Stop catching colds...............................................30
22. Use heat to cure....................................................31
23. How to combat fatigue.........................................32
24. Protect yourself against cancer............................33
25. Prevent high blood pressure.................................34
26. Iron strong health.................................................35
27. Aging with a healthy body and mind....................36

This booklet contains 27 selected health tips compiled by the
editors of PRACTICAL HEALTH GUIDES. They are effective and
easy to follow.
Many are based on recent research, while others were known in
ancient times. But they have all been proven to be effective. So keep
this guide close at hand and make the advice it offers a part of your
daily life.
4 27 of the best health “tips”
27 of the best health “tips” 5

1. How to fight aging
Did you know that just walking for 30 minutes, 3 or 4 times a
week is enough to combat aging?
According to researchers at the University of California, one of
the principle causes of deterioration of the human organism’s physical
faculties is its diminished ability to metabolize glucose. And they
showed that even leisurely exercise, like taking a walk, plays an
important role in keeping glucose metabolism functioning smoothly.
Do you spend the whole day sitting at your desk or in front of a
computer screen? Why not get up occasionally and do a few minutes
of physical exercise? Don’t worry about what other people think.
In some Japanese companies, it is even become a collective
habit. Every twenty minutes a bell sounds, and everybody gets up to
do some stretching exercises, after which they sit down again as if
nothing had happened. Japanese managers are convinced that their
employees are more productive when they are relaxed.
6 27 of the best health “tips”

2. Are you anxious?
Is worrying one of your characteristics? Well, stop! It is okay to
worry, but at the right time.
Psychologists at the University of Pennsylvania tell patients who
suffer from anxiety to regularly do a daily twenty minute “worry
session,” always at the same time and in the same place. Collect your
head full of worries during the day (don’t suppress them!) and then
pour them out during your daily worry session.
Exaggerate your worries to the point of absurdity - knit your
brows, make faces, let the sweat flow, shake and cower as much as
you like. In other words, make a caricature of the part of yourself that
is always worried, and in so doing exorcise it.
Eliminating worry will help prevent numerous psychosomatic
illnesses, which result from living in a state of permanent anxiety.
27 of the best health “tips” 7

3. Care for your heart
while you sleep
In which position do you sleep?
If you sleep on your stomach or on your left side, you are putting
pressure on your heart with the extra body weight, while the heart has
to continue pumping blood as usual.
This additional burden wears the heart out more quickly. Think
about it - you spend more than one third of your life sleeping!
To reduce the strain on your heart, sleep on your right side, or on
your back. This simple technique will add years to your life.
8 27 of the best health “tips”

4. How to avoid cancer
caused by smoking
If you smoke, you can greatly reduce the risk of contracting
cancer by drinking carrot juice. This according to the German Doctor
Hans Nieper, founder of Eumatabolic Medicine, a new alternative
mode of treatment which has become very popular in Germany. The
carotene found especially in carrots prevents and can even cure
Dr. Nieper states, “If you smoke 60 cigarettes a day but drink 4
glasses of carrot juice, you will still be less prone to contract cancer
than someone who doesn’t smoke but who doesn’t drink carrot juice.”
Of course, if you don’t smoke and do drink carrot juice all the better!
27 of the best health “tips” 9

5. Avoid eye problems
caused by T.V. and
The eye was not made to be constantly focused on close objects.
If your work requires that you stare at a computer screen all day long
or if you watch a lot of television, stop from time to time to do a few
eye exercises.
For example, roll your eyes in large circles in both directions;
look over to each side as far as possible and then go from up to
down; or scan an imaginary text on the wall from left to right; or look
out the window as far as you can following the horizon then return to
a point right in front of you and begin again.
In this way, you will avoid long term eye problems, you will
enlarge your inner space, and relax both your eyes and your mind.
10 27 of the best health “tips”

6. How to beat asthma
Asthma partially obstructs the bronchial tubes, making breathing
difficult. The cause of asthma is still not known. But if you are an
asthma sufferer, you can, through natural means, considerably reduce
the number of asthma attacks you get.
A placebo study has shown that asthmatics who consume 1 gram
of vitamin C per day had 4 times fewer attacks. When they stopped
taking vitamin C, the attacks resumed with the same frequency as
before (Trop. and Geog. Med., Vol. 32, Mo. 2, 1980).
As for magnesium, it also works wonders! Dr. Zack H. Haddad
of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Southern California
conducted a study on thirty children suffering from asthma associated
with allergies.
Twenty of them drank a daily amount of mineral water rich in
magnesium, while the others received no magnesium supplement.
After three months, the first group had a higher level of magnesium in
their blood, and they were able to breathe more easily.
So taking vitamin C and magnesium is an excellent way to
prevent asthma attacks.
But what can you do to breathe more easily during an attack?
Simply drink 2 or 3 cups of strong coffee. By activating blood
circulation, it eases respiratory blockage.

27 of the best health “tips” 11

In addition, the American Lung Association recommends the
following exercise:
l. While standing, contract all your muscles. Keep them
contracted for a few seconds.
2. Release the muscles, like letting the air out of a balloon. Relax
all your muscles completely until you feel like a limp cloth.
3. Let yourself fall to the floor, and stretch out. Close your eyes
and relax your face and your feet.
4. Imagine that you are floating on water. Concentrate on the
effect the earth’s gravity has on your muscles and on the pleasant
feeling of being completely relaxed.
5. Breathe gently and quietly, as if you were about to fall asleep.
6. Open your eyes.
Practising this exercise when you feel an attack coming on, or
once it is already started, will help you overcome your
asthma condition.
12 27 of the best health “tips”

7. Losing weight: The
Pakistani method
Pakistani women have an amazing trick they use to stay slim: they
keep a string permanently tied around their forearms. According to
Dr. Drupas, a gentle but constant pressure on the nerves in the
forearm stimulates certain glands, particularly those involved in
weight control (thyroid, suprarenals).
Why don’t you try it? Find two ordinary rubber bands and place
them around your right forearm, one third of the way up between your
wrist and elbow.
The rubber bands should exert noticeable pressure without cutting
off blood circulation and should not slip or slide when you move
your arm. This is not a tourniquet!
For best results, you have to wear the rubber bands constantly,
even at night when you sleep. It is also recommended not to wear any
other jewelry on the right arm.
27 of the best health “tips” 13

8. What to do when you
get something in your eye
Got some dust in your eye? Or some other irritant like an eyelash or
cigarette ash? You can use the following technique to help others as well
as yourself.
Before doing anything, make sure you don’t do what you absolutely
shouldn’t: rub or press the eye, lift the eyelid, or remove contact lenses
without washing your hands.

How to proceed?
· Examine your eye. Is it red? Swollen? Is it tearing? What do you
feel? Does it itch? Burn? Is your vision blurred?
· Let nature do its work - it is usually effective. Tears and natural eye
movements will usually get rid of the irritation.
· Try rinsing your eye with some warm water, or with drops. You
can pull on the skin around the eyes, but don’t touch the eyelid.
· If this doesn’t work, wash your hands, and then lift both the upper
and lower eyelids to locate the irritant. Is it on the inside of one of the
eyelids, or is it stuck to the eyeball itself? Pour some sterilized, warm
water on your eye to flush the irritant out.
· If you can’t locate the irritant or if the discomfort persists after you
have removed the particle, you would better consult a doctor.
14 27 of the best health “tips”

9. A few tricks for
treating insect bites
You don’t have to sit back and just passively put up with insects,
especially those that like to bite (mosquitoes, wasps etc.). Eat
asparagus and your sweat will develop an odor that repels insects. Or
apply lemon oil to your skin.
If you are bitten, there are natural substances to soothe the
irritation. Aloe vera has extraordinary powers of soothing skin
disorders. It is available in forms for both internal and external
application in most health and beauty stores.
If you have one of these amazing plants growing at home, cut the
tip off one of the leaves (the leaf will heal itself). Apply the pulp and
juice to the itching or swollen area.
Lightly boiled cabbage or leek makes an excellent analgesic
poultice. Of course, if you are hiking in the woods, you might have a
little trouble finding cabbage! Plantain also works well. Cut it and rub
it to get to the juice then apply it to the affected area.
27 of the best health “tips” 15

10. How to get rid of
liver spots
If you have liver spots, it is up to you to get rid of them.
May be you took too much sun, without using the proper
precautions like sunscreen, gradual exposure, etc. If you continue
ignoring your skin in this way, you might end up looking like a lizard!
Liver spots can also result from a thyroid deficiency. The thyroid
gland must therefore be stimulated through a variety of means. For
example, brown seaweed tablets: take one a day every morning, for
fifteen days a month.
Or apply a cream composed of 1 teaspoon oxygenated water and
4 1/2 tablespoons lanovaseline every morning and night.
Aloe vera (see previous chapter) is very effective in treating skin
disorders. Daily application of aloe vera over a period of time can
eliminate liver spots completely.
Also take a look at your nutrition: the real problem might lie in
what you do or don’t eat, like a diet too high in fat.
16 27 of the best health “tips”

11. Treat diarrhea
without medication
If you have ever been to a tropical country, you have probably
experienced diarrhea: frequent and uncontrolled evacuation of liquid
stool caused by bacteria in local water, milk or food.
Diarrhea can also be caused at home by excesses in diet (a diet
that is too rich) or an allergic reaction to certain foods or medication
or even by stress.
To treat diarrhea, avoid all solid food on the first day. Drink
liquids like water, apple juice, meat or vegetable boullion and tea.
These will compensate for your loss of water - dehydration being one
of the main dangers of diarrhea - and will give your intestines a
period of rest.
If you have stomach cramps, rub your hands together for about a
minute. Then place both palms on your abdominal region. The heat
will soothe the pain.
On the second day, eat small quantities of solid food. Among the
least irritating are cooked cereals (especially rice), biscuits and soft
boiled eggs.
You can also try charcoal. It comes in tablet or capsule form (you
can also get it off burnt toast!)
Chinese medicine has always considered ginger one of the best
remedies for diarrhea. Dilute a tablespoon in hot water and
add honey.
27 of the best health “tips” 17

12. Use seaweed to
stimulate your immune
Japanese seaweed possesses remarkable immunizing properties,
especially in fighting cancer. Japanese researchers at the University of
Kitasato have discovered 6 kinds of seaweed which inhibit the
growth of colon cancer cells in rats, notably two types of Laminaria.
Laminaria extract has proven 70% to 84% effective in suppressing
intestinal tumors.
Wakame, another Japanese seaweed, is now familiar to many
Westerners, thanks to the arrival in the west of Japanese macrobiotic
cooking, which uses it a lot.
Pharmacologists at the University of Hawaii injected rats with an
extract of this substance. They found that the seaweed helped prevent
and cure cancer. The researchers claim that Wakame fights cancer by
activating and strengthening the immune system. It can be found in
most health food stores.
18 27 of the best health “tips”

13. How to prevent motion
sickness - naturally
Did you know that half a teaspoon of ground ginger is more
effective than chemical medication in suppressing motion or sea
sickness? And unlike most medication, it will not make you drowsy.
Ginger has been used in the Orient for centuries to prevent sea
Researchers asked subjects who were especially susceptible to
motion sickness to sit in a reclining chair that spun around at high
speed. All the subjects who ingested a well known medication or
who took a placebo experienced violent nausea and/or vomiting.
On the other hand, six of the twelve subjects who took ginger
twenty minutes before the test experienced no discomfort. They
consumed only 840 milligrams of ground ginger, which is the
equivalent of half a teaspoon.
The Japanese have a very curious method of treating all kinds of
motion sickness. They use an adhesive plaster to fasten an
“umeboshi” (a very salty fermented plum, available in most health
food stores in the West) to their navel. The idea may seem a little
strange, but what have you got to lose!
27 of the best health “tips” 19

14. The anti-allergy
So much has been said in praise of Vitamin C. So it is not
surprising that it is also effective in treating allergic reactions like
We recommend taking Vitamin C in the form of ascorbate rather
then ascorbic acid. When taken in ascorbic acid form, it can cause
gastro-intestinal disorders.
To fight an allergic reaction, you should consume up to 8 grams.
5 grams are necessary, on average. Start with a dose of 3 grams.
Every three hours, take another 1 or 2 grams, until the symptoms
disappear completely.
20 27 of the best health “tips”

15. How to prevent
Flatulence (Aerophagy)
Aerophagy results simply from “eating” air. The condition is not
dramatically serious, but it does bloat the stomach and can prove
embarrassing (stomach gurgles, etc.)
How to prevent it? Above all chew your food properly and savor
it fully. Swallowing too much is a direct cause of aerophagy. So don’t
swallow needlessly.
Don’t drink a lot when you eat. Avoid tobacco and alcohol,
cabbage, radishes, doughy bread, strong spices and bubbly drinks.
Don’t eat food that is too hot or too cold.
And pay attention to the kinds of food you eat together: make a
note of any combination that seems to provoke an attack and avoid it
in future.
27 of the best health “tips” 21

16. How to put an end to
Heartburn usually results from excess acidity in the stomach, or
from improper functioning of your digestive system.
At the point where the esophagus and stomach join, a special
muscle opens and closes the esophagus. When we swallow food this
muscle relaxes to let the food pass into the stomach after which it
closes again.
But it can happen that the muscle malfunctions. The contents of
the stomach then rise back up the esophagus, irritating the area. And
this results in the infamous feeling of heartburn.
How to stop it? Avoid acidic foods (lemons, etc.), alcohol, fat
or fried food, food that is overcooked, coffee, juice, tomato base
products and chocolate. But don’t deprive yourself too much. Rather,
observe which foods bring on heartburn and avoid them. Also, don’t
go to sleep right after eating (you should eat supper around 7 o’clock)
and don’t smoke, especially after meals.
22 27 of the best health “tips”

17. A miracle remedy
If we offered you a miracle remedy that prevents cardiac disease,
certain types of cancer, diabetes, obesity, tooth decay and varicose
veins, would you buy it? Certainly you would.
There is such a product. But it is not a recent discovery and you
won’t find it in a pharmacy but at the grocery store. We are talking
about fiber.
A study conducted in Holland on 871 men, over a period of ten
years, showed that subjects who had a low fiber diet were three
times more susceptible to mortal disease - causes notwithstanding -
than those who ate a lot of fiber (Future Youth).
This said, it cannot be confirmed at present that fiber prevents
the above mentioned diseases in all cases. But there is conclusive
proof that they occur more frequently in populations with low fiber
diets which is precisely the case in the west.
According to The Lancet (the British Medical Journal) a diet
which contains at least 37 grams of fiber per day (the equivalent of
one cup of bran, one apple, one potato and a half cup of cooked
spinach) can effectively protect the organism against chronic illnesses
common to western society.
So fiber is useful in combatting many disorders
besides constipation.
27 of the best health “tips” 23

Notably white bread (since fiber is removed in white flour),
beef, pork, chicken, milk, butter, cheese, sugar, processed meats,
desserts, fish, seafood and noodles.

· Fruits: especially apples and prunes.
· Vegetables: potatoes with their peel, spinach, artichokes,
cabbage, peas.
· Whole grains: barley, whole wheat (you should eat whole
wheat bread because of the bran it contains), oats, corn.
· Nuts: peanuts and almonds.
· Dried fruit: apricots, plums, figs, dates.
· Legumes: soy beans, lima beans, lentils, chick peas.
Note that there are numerous types of fiber, and that you should
alternate between them. For example, the fiber contained in apples
and the fiber in cereals are both essential, since they don’t have the
same digestive function.
24 27 of the best health “tips”

18. Reducing your
To reduce cholesterol:
· First cut down on saturated fats. To do this:
· Eat lean meat. Select lean cuts and ask your butcher to cut off
the fat.
· Drink skim milk instead of whole milk.
Do the same for all dairy products. Note that vegetarians have a
much lower cholesterol level (almost twice as low as average) which
is perfectly understandable, since cholesterol is only found in
products derived from animals.
· Alcohol - in moderation. Not more than two glasses a day.
However, it does appear that drinking a moderate amount of alcohol
raises the number of HDL lipids (the good ones!), which break down
cholesterol. (Moderation = two 4 oz. glasses of wine or two 12 oz.
· Do regular exercise, for example walking.
· Take Vitamin E. It reduces the risk of coronary disease.
· Calcium brewer’s yeast, Vitamin C and Vitamin B-6 also
combat the accumulation of cholesterol. And don’t forget lecithin,
which helps fight excess cholesterol, arteriosclerosis, hypertension

27 of the best health “tips” 25
and angina (as well as psoriasis, anxiety and diabetes - and reduces
the likelihood of contracting cancer). Losing weight is a good way to
raise your HDL level.
· Use poly-unsaturated, non-hydrogenated, cold pressed oil: corn
oil, sunflower seed oil, soy, flax etc. A mono-unsaturated oil like
olive oil can even raise your HDL level.
· Daily consumption of fish would be ideal for preventing
cardio-vascular problems, as demonstrated conclusively in a number
of studies on fish-eating populations (Eskimos for example). Ideally,
you would eat fish twice a day. And as strange as this sounds, you
should select the fattest kinds: mackerel, sardines, herring, salmon etc.
As for the oil in the fish, it is used to treat arterial disorders. Its
effects can be felt in about six weeks. Fish oil contains two
poly-unsaturated fatty acids which are very beneficial for the arteries.
26 27 of the best health “tips”

19. Digest better
There is a plant for each type of digestion problem.
· AIGREMOINE is useful when the stomach problem is
accompanied by enteritis, diarrhea and/or chronic liver infection. It
helps tone a lazy digestive system. And it also helps regularize acidity
and soothe ulcers by improving metabolism.
3 or 4 cups a day. 3 1/2 to 4 tablespoons per quart of water.
· ANGELICA is a digestive, an aperitif, a stimulant, a tonic. It
decongests and soothes stomach pains and swelling.
Prepare an infusion (tea) preferably using the fresh plant: 3 1/2
tablespoons of roots per quart of water. If your stomach is very
swollen, prepare and drink 3 cups per day made of 5 tablespoons of
seeds per quart of water.
· ANISE is a soothing digestive. It aids digestion and the
elimination of intestinal gas, it soothes stomach cramps, aerophagy,
dyspepsia (contractions of the digestive organs, dizziness and a heavy
feeling after eating).
2 or 3 cups per day, after meals: 2 tablespoons of seeds per quart
of water.
· CAMOMILE: a digestive, sedative, anti-inflammation agent
and tonic. It helps painful or difficult digestion, stomach cramps,
gastro-intestinal spasms, loss of appetite, and it helps expulsion of gas
27 of the best health “tips” 27
(carminative). Particularly recommended for persons who suffer from
stomach cramps (and/or who are irritable, temperamental, angry etc.)
One cup of infusion, a half hour before meals, or one hour after.
To prepare the infusion, add 5 1/2 tablespoons to a quart of boiling
water and let stand for five minutes.
· CHERVIL: digestive, depurative and diuretic. It also acts as a
stimulant. For difficult digestion, drink 2 or 3 cups per day. Prepare
an infusion with one teaspoon of dried leaves per cup of water, and
let stand for 10 minutes.
· SAGE: The ancients had a saying - “Why die when your garden
is full of sage!” It is a digestive, diuretic, antispasmodic and helps
combat hypoglycemia.
It stimulates the appetite, fortifies the stomach and aids digestion,
especially when digestion is difficult. It is also a general tonic. 2 or 3
cups of infusion per day. 1 1/2 tablespoons of dried leaves per quart
of water. (Practical Guide No. 6, Vol. II).
28 27 of the best health “tips”

20. Menstrual
cramps - suffer no
To reduce the intensity of menstrual symptoms, you can change
your diet:
· Less sugar, and slightly more protein.
· Diuretic foods such as eggplant, cucumbers and parsley can help
diminish water retention.
· Calcium supplements (1 gram per day) and magnesium (500
milligrams) can help reduce anxiety (always take both).
· Vitamin B-6 (not more than 50 milligrams per day) can alleviate
symptoms of anxiety and tension.
· Vitamins E and C also help reduce the intensity of cramps.
· Aspirin has a mildly soothing effect.
· And once again you can turn to plants to relieve your pains:
* ANGELICA in infusion: 3 1/2 tablespoons of root per quart of
* MATRIX (derived from the Latin for womb): 2 teaspoons of
flowers per quart of water.
27 of the best health “tips” 29

* MILFOI OR YARROW which soothes and reduces overly
abundant menstruation: about 5 1/2 tablespoons of flower tops per
quart of water.
* SAGE in infusion: I 1/2 tablespoons of dried leaves per quart
of water.
In extreme cases, ask your doctor for medication to alleviate
30 27 of the best health “tips”

21. Stop catching colds
As much as possible, avoid coming into close contact with
infected persons, especially if they cough or sneeze.
A person with a cold is extremely contagious: he or she fills the
air with fine particles of saliva or mucous which transport the virus
microbe. Even if the person is careful to wipe his nose with tissue or
a handkerchief, the microbes will be transported to his hands.
And studies have shown that these viruses are transmitted through
hand contact. So if you have to shake hands with someone who has a
cold, you would better wash soon after!
What can you do if you do catch a cold?
It is useless to take antibiotics: they have no effect on viruses.
However, there are certain substances found in alcohol which help
decongest sinuses, that is why a good hot toddy can work wonders.
But take care of your liver: a toddy is just as good with a little rum as
with a lot.
You don’t have to get drunk to get better. You don’t even have to
drink it - just sniff some strong alcohol like cognac or brandy and
breathe in the fumes.
27 of the best health “tips” 31

22. Use heat to cure
Everyone has heard about how good a sauna feels, and of the
relaxing effect of a steam bath which bathes you in hot vapor.
But there are other heat treatments which are equally beneficial.
Heat relaxes the muscles and ligaments. When applied locally, for
example, with hot towels, it can ease muscle spasms. It can also
reduce arthritic pain. Heat dilates the blood vessels, which in turn
activates circulation.
Applied to a wound, it can prevent infection by helping white
blood corpuscles and fresh oxygen surround the area more quickly.
32 27 of the best health “tips”
23. How to combat
First make sure you are sleeping enough.
Is your nutrition sufficient? In general women need at least 1200
calories per day and men 1500.
Avoid monotony: a varied diet will be more likely to provide the
nutritive elements you need to conserve your energy.
The sensation of fatigue may be stress-related, especially when
you experience emotional stress. Do you feel tense at work or at
Lastly, don’t neglect physical exercise. Tired or not, get out in the
fresh air every day. Walking is the minimum effort necessary for
staying in shape.
27 of the best health “tips” 33

24. Protect yourself
against cancer
Radical liberals are not a political group, but a kind of very
active molecule that is suspected of being one of the causes of cancer.
How can you protect yourself? Diet plays an important role here,
especially in the absorption of anti-oxidants. The strongest
anti-oxidizing agent is Vitamin E, which is found in wheat germ oil
and sunflower seeds.
Next comes Vitamin C (oranges, grapefruits, lemons, red peppers
Beta carotene also absorbs large amounts of radical liberals.
This substance seems to act as a protecting agent against most types
of cancer.
Where do you find it? In red vegetables (like tomatoes), orange
ones (carrots), yellow (squash), and dark green (broccoli). All these
are rich in beta carotene. So make them a regular part of your menu!
34 27 of the best health “tips”
25. Prevent high blood
Research has shown that people whose diet is rich in potassium
(vegetarians for example) are less likely than others to develop high
blood pressure.
Calcium is also beneficial. Fortunately, potassium and calcium
are abundantly present in a large variety of foods.
Fruits, vegetables, beans, fish, fowl and lean meats are full of
Calcium is a little more restricted. Foods rich in calcium usually
also contain large amounts of sodium and fat, which can increase
blood pressure.
However, moderate amounts of milk are recommended, as well
as yogurt, almonds, bananas, grapes, broccoli, potatoes, beans, tofu
and sardines.
27 of the best health “tips” 35

26. Iron strong health
Without iron, there would be no hemoglobin in the blood.
Hemoglobin gives red corpuscles their color. And it is the
hemoglobin that carries oxygen to all parts of the body.
If you lack iron, an insufficient supply of oxygen in your
hemoglobin will produce sensations of fatigue, headaches and
shortness of breath.
Men don’t have to worry too much: most men have a reserve of
iron stored in their body that could last 3 years !
But women, because of the menstrual cycle, need twice as much
iron as men.
And the amount is even higher for pregnant women. Vitamin C
doubles the amount of iron the body absorbs: so it is a good idea to
add a glass of tomato or orange or grapefruit juice to every meal.
On the other hand, tea reduces the amount of iron absorbed by
50% and coffee by about 39%.
36 27 of the best health “tips”

27. Aging with a healthy
body and mind
Did you know that sexual activity can keep you looking good as
you age? Studies conducted in Sweden have shown that elderly
people who have sexual partners have much more vitality and a better
memory than those who do not.
So don’t let your golden years deprive you of the pleasures of
sex !
Just forget about the obsession of having to “perform” - the final
result is less important than the stimulation itself.


Natural Remedies

Food as Medicine: "Let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food" Hippocrates 460 - 359 BC

Natural Remedy for Constipation - water

Keep yourself well hydrated and you will not get constipation and in fact will probably be able to have bowel movement (pass motion) more than once a day. That is what happened to me. 

At a period of time, I was troubled by constipation (having a bowel movement fewer than three times per week. With constipation stools are usually hard, dry, small in size, and difficult to eliminate. Some people who are constipated find it painful to have a bowel movement and often experience straining, bloating, and the sensation of a full bowel.)

I started to drink copious amount of water. I am at home in front of the computer at home most of the time so have access to the toilet at short notices and it is not rare for me to have 3 or more bowel movements a day.

There was a headline at BBC News - Health, Drinking over recommended limit 'raises cancer risks which troubled me. Huh? Drinking too much can cause cancer? But was comforted that the drinking in this case refer not to water but to alcohol.

However, be aware that there is another angle to drinking water -Why is too much water dangerous?. Apparently, drinking too much water can cause water intoxication - the brain swell and cause a headache and going overboard can cause death.
"Drinking too much can cause cancer
You might also like:
·              Natural remedy for constipation - water
·              Natural remedy for constipation - water
·              How I overcame constipation
 Peter @ Enviroman   0 comments 


Eat only 60% full for long life and health

Studies as well as anecdotal accounts have shown that eating less leads to a longer life and a healthier life. So don't eat till you fell "full" but stop about 40% before that. Of course one cannot try to split hair and attempt to eat exactly 60% from full. Approximate will do. Read the rest below:

1. What is wrong with eating too full
2. Mice experiment
3. Overworking body
4. Side Effects of eating
5. Good Eating Habits


Don't overeat and don't encourage your family members and friends to overeat - unless you wish to shorten their healthy living and perhaps die younger! 

An interesting article about eating too full....
In Today's Dr Lee Newsletter Issue:
"What's wrong with eating too full?"

"The more you eat, the sooner you die. The lesser you eat, the longer you live." This is what Dr Lee always says in his health talk. He also mentions, "Eating too full causes all sort of health problems such as hypertension, diabetes, stroke, etc."

Why eating too full is so harmful to your health? What can you do about it?


To see how eating habit affects life span, a professor from University of Texas did an experiment on mice.

For the first group of 100 mice, he let them eat without any restriction, just like a buffet meal. The second group was fed only 60% full. And the third group was given food without restriction too. But this time, he reduced protein content to half. After 2.5 years, guess how many mice were still alive out of 100?

* First group (eat without restriction) - only 13 mice was alive. Opsss...
* Second group (eat 60% full) - 97 mice was still alive. Only 3 mice died.
* Third group (eat without restriction with protein cut half) - 50 mice still alive.

What can we learn from these results?

Firstly, eating too full is really harmful to your body. Secondly, eat 60% full if you want to live longer and healthier. Thirdly, taking too much protein is harmful to your body too. We don't need so much protein after all. 


Imagine having a small family car. Instead of using it for short travel between home and office, you use it for long distance travel between different cities every day. Instead of using it 1 hour a day, you use it for 10 hours a day. Instead of driving at 70 km/h, you always speed up to 170 km/h, hitting engine's red line.

Can you estimate your car life span? Do you expect having various problems with your car after a short time?

Driving your car at high speed for a long time is like always eating too full. You force your body to always work at its red line.

Do you know digestion is the most demanding work for your body? Think about the organs involved such as your mouth, stomach, liver, pancreas, duodenum and intestine. Think about the length of digestive tract from your mouth to intestine.

Eating too full zaps up much of your body energy for digestion. Otherwise, this energy may be used for other purpose such as enhancing your immune system.

Do you realize you become very tired easily after a big meal? That is the sign of your body working hard to digest all the food you take in.

If you eat an extra bowl of noodle, your pancreas has to produce extra insulin hormone to process the extra carbohydrates you take.

Your liver, stomach and intestine also have to produce extra enzymes to digest and process specific nutrients from that bowl of noodle.

Therefore the more you eat, the harder your body has to work to process it. Of course, we must eat to survive. But we don't have to eat that much!

If you drive your car slowly and handle it gently, you can use it for a long time. But if you always floor the accelerator and drive like a rally driver, you know the consequence on your car life span.


Your car engine burns fuel to move your car and bring you to anywhere you like to go. As a result, the engine produces exhaust smoke which is toxic. It must be dispersed out from your car. Similarly, your body cell burns nutrient for energy to survive. In the process, it produces free radicals. Since free radical is toxic to your body, it has to be neutralized and expelled. 

"Just metabolizing food especially fatty and carbohydrate-rich fare causes the body to produce free radicals, which attack cells and can promote the development of chronic conditions including heart disease, diabetes and cancer," says Ronald L. Prior, Ph.D.

Of course, your body can control free radicals in small quantity. But the more you eat, the more free radicals your body produces. Without adequate control, these free radicals easily attack your body cells and eventually cause all sort of diseases.


After knowing the harmful effect of eating too full, what's your choice? Do you want to live longer, just like the second group mice in the experiment? Or do you want to risk ending your life earlier, just like the first group mice? If you wish to live longer, here are some tips you can follow:

1.. Always eat until 70% full. Do not exceed 80% full. You may want to stop eating when you feel slightly full.

2. Avoid having buffet style meal which makes it harder to control how much you eat. Instead, prepare the food you want to eat in a plate. After finishing it, don't add anymore food.

3. Leaving the dining table earlier may prevent you from picking some extra food to eat.

4. It is always a good idea to prepare lesser food in the first place. Some people are afraid of having not enough food for everyone. Actually, lesser food is beneficial for everyone..In a restaurant, order in small amount first. You can always add in some extra order if necessary. But if you can get by with the original smaller order, that's great.

Remember this: You have higher chance of overeating if you serve more food on the table. You have better chance of not overeating if you serve less food 
5. Avoid stuffing your fridge with ice cream, chocolate or other dessert. You cannot eat what you do not have.

6. When someone prepares a big plate of food for you, look at it first. Ask yourself, "Do I want to stuff it all into my stomach?"

If your answer is no, just put aside some food to another empty plate first. After finishing your food, look back at the extra food on that new plate. Say to yourself, "Phew! Luckily I didn't stuff that portion into my stomach."

7. When you get too hungry before your meal time, just take some fruit instead of heavy meal. The tendency to overeat is very high for modern people. Do you know most monks only eat twice a day?

They wake up at 4am, meditate and say their prayer. Later they have their simple breakfast at 7am. Before 12pm, they have their lunch. That's all for them. They eat no more after that. No tea break. No dinner. No supper. They still look strong and energetic.

Of course, we don't have to eat like them. But it reminds us we can eat less and stay healthy. So remember to eat only 70% full if you want to stay healthy.
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·              Three ways to brain longevity
·              Papaya, the wonder and cost effective fruit
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Drink Water on Empty Stomach – Health Benefits of Water Therapy

by: Junji Takano
It is popular in Japan today to drink water immediately after waking up every morning. Furthermore, scientific tests have proven its value. We publish below a description of use of water for our readers. For old and serious diseases as well as modern illnesses the water treatment had been found successful by a Japanese medical society as a 100% cure for the following diseases:
Headache, body ache, heart system, arthritis, fast heart beat, epilepsy, excess fatness, bronchitis asthma, TB, meningitis, kidney and urine diseases, vomiting, gastritis, diarrhea, piles, diabetes, constipation, all eye diseases, womb, cancer and menstrual disorders, ear nose and throat diseases.
Method of Treatment
1.      As you wake up in the morning before brushing teeth, drink 4 x 160ml glasses of water.
2.      Brush and clean the mouth but do not eat or drink anything for 45 minutes.
3.      After 45 minutes you may eat and drink as normal.
4.      After 15 minutes of breakfast, lunch and dinner do not eat or drink anything for 2 hours.
5.      Those who are old or sick and are unable to drink 4 glasses of water at the beginning may commence by taking little water and gradually increase it to 4 glasses per day.
The above method of treatment will cure diseases of the sick and others can enjoy a healthy life.
The following list gives the number of days of treatment required to cure main diseases:
1.      High Blood Pressure – 30 days
2.      Gastric – 10 days
3.      Diabetes – 30 days
4.      Constipation – 10 days
5.      Cancer – 180 days
6.      TB – 90 days
Arthritis patients should follow the above treatment for only 3 days. In the 1st week to be followed by daily treatment. This treatment method has no side effects, however at the commencement of treatment you may have to urinate a few times.
The above excerpt came from 60-year-old information that is known in Japan. Probably, all Japanese citizen know this. Just after the Second World War, this information was made known to the Japanese public through the newspapers. As you know, we have bathhouses (sento in Japanese) in every corner of streets. It is just like hot spring in the cities. These bathhouses are being used both for medicinal purposes and social gathering.
Below is a well-known story in Japan that relates on the above excerpt:
One early morning, a skinny old man, Mr. Yamada went to a public bathhouse. Usually, Yamada was the first customer to visit every morning because he was ashamed of his skinny body. Thinking that he was the first one to enter the bathhouse, he saw a man with a well-built body, smiling and greeting to him.
"Good morning, sir", the stranger said.
Yamada also greeted, "Good morning, sir".
He continued to say, "By the way, sir, do you live near here?"
The smiling stranger answered, "Oh, I am travelling around. Why do you visit the bath so early in the morning? Do you enjoy taking a bath?"
Yamada replied, "You see, I am very skinny and I'm so ashamed to show my body."
The fat and good looking man said, "Oh, it's easy to get healthy, just drink a glass of water every time you wake up. After a week, increase your drinking to two glasses of water daily. Is it so simple? I was also skinny like you before."
After the stranger talked to Yamada, he left the bathhouse promptly. Mr. Yamada immediately rushed to the counter to ask the stranger's name but there was nobody around there.
At the counter of the bathhouse, "Chief, do you know the man who just left here now?"
The chief replied, "What are you talking? You are the only one customer here."
Surprised, Mr. Yamada went home and sat for breakfast with his wife, and then he caught sight of a figurine on the altar. He remembered that the smiling man was one of the Seven Gods of Fortune (Shichifukujin) he was praying daily.
Seven Gods of Fortune
No. 6, lower front is the man (god) Mr. Yamada talked to in the bathhouse. The god's name is “Daikokuten”—god of wealth, commerce, and trade.
I myself followed this water therapy procedure back then, when I was so skinny. Nearly 50 percent of skinny people who want to get healthy, practice it here in Japan.
In addition, if you're suffering from a serious illness, we recommend you to use the PYRO-ENERGEN. PYRO-ENERGEN is proven effective in eradicating viral diseases, cancer, and diseases of unknown cause.

About the Author:
Junji Takano is a Japanese health researcher involved in investigating the cause of many dreadful diseases. In 1968, he invented PYRO-ENERGEN, the first electrostatic therapy device for electromedicine that effectively eradicates viral diseases, cancer, and diseases of unknown cause.
Click here to find out more:
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Monday, 7 November 2011


Adakah anda tahu, lebih sejuta lelaki Malaysia ada masalahmati pucuk. Faktor makanan adalah punca utama. Malas bersenam, obesiti atau kegemukan, kencing manis, juga adalah puncanya. Di sini saya akan menunjukkan beberapa senaman yang dapat membantu.....                  bersambung........

Thursday, 3 November 2011



Tahan nafas selama 5 saat semasa mengemut. Lepaskan nafas dan kemutan perlahan-lahan secara serentak. Cara kemut adalah seperti anda menahan kencing. Lakukan latihan ini (proses kemutan) sewaktu terluang, seperti semasa memasak, menonton TV dan sebagainya. Bagi mencegah vagina dari berbau, anda dinasihatkan untuk mengelakkan memakan makanan seperti udang, ketam, sotong, belacan, jering, tempoyak, petis, budu, cencaluk dan durian.


Rambut adalah mahkota wanita. Oleh itu, semasa anda menyempu rambut, rajin rajinlah mengurut kulit kepala supaya darah berjalan lancar dan rambut akan tumbuh dengan lebih sihat. Apabila anda menyempu rambut, jangan terus tuang di kepala, tapi, tuangkan dulu di tapak tangan, sapu sapukan di tapak tangan, kemudian barulah di kepala. Jangan shampu rambut hingga ke hujung rambuat kerana hujung rambut kering dan akan mudah berbelah di hujung nya. Apabila anda menyapu "conditioner" pula, jangan sapu hingga terkena akar rambut. Ini akan membuat rambut anda gugur. Cukup hanya di hujung rambut dan separuh rambut jika rambut anda panjang.
